Chapter 21

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I pulled the covers over my head and went down to his jeans. I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants trying to pull them down but failing at it so I take the blankets off and say "Can you please help and not wear skin tight jeans jes I'm trying to be sexual here." He laughs and takes his jeans off and kisses me.

"You are such a dork and you don't have to try to be sexy." He said with a wink. I went and pulled his boxers down that were covered in tiny superman symbols. And His member sprang out and I took him in my hand. I rubbed his thickness slow and gentle till he moaned, "Don't tease." Then I put his member in my mouth swirling my tongue around it and bobbing my head and getting moans from Michael's lips. I looked up at him with him still in my mouth.

"Oh god baby" he moaned looking down at me.

I then hallowed my cheeks knowing this will break him and not to long after he twitched in my mouth and released. After swallowing his cum I climbed back up to his face. "Damn." Is all he said trying to catch his breath.

"Ya also have that effect on guys." I said before I kissed him. When our lips meet he rolled us over so that he was on top.

"God damn your so fucking beautiful." He said grabbing the hem of my shirt to pull over my head. He toke my shirt off and tossed it behind him and I reach to take his shirt off too and threw it. He kissed down my stomach and I couldn't suppress my moan anymore. I arched my back off the bed and Mikey took the chance to undo the clasps of my bra and I took it off throwing it on the floor. He messaged my breast as I moaned his name. He kissed down my stomach sending chills all over me. He enters a finger in me unexpectedly and I moan.

"Well someone's wet." He said as he put in another finger and started pumping. I moaned the faster he went and then he added his tongue and I went over the edge "M-Michael I'm gunna..." I said before my walls closed around his fingers. He pulled his fingers out and licked them and kissed me making sure I could taste the hint of me. He grinds his hips along me witch made us both moan.

"Shit." He said.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Please say you are on the pill cause I don't have a condom."

"Don't worry I can't get pregnant. It's impossible." I said lightly and looked up at him. His face softens remembering the secrets I told him. He kissed me soft on the lips not begging for entrance and just laid is lips on mine.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you too." I said as tears fell from the corner of my eyes.

"We don't have to do this if it hurts and brings back memories. The last thing I want is to hurt you Emm." He said putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

"No Mikey I want to do this. I want new memories." I said trying to smile.

"If you say so." He said kissing my check and whipping my tears.

His hands were on either side of my head and his face inches from mine when he lined up with my entrance. I entered and I gasped and grabbed his arms digging my nails in. He stayed letting me get use to his size. I didn't think he was that big but the burning sensation said other wise. When I finally got use to his size he went at a slow pace.

"No teasing please." I said in between breaths. And with that his pace quickened. My fingers found their way into his hair tugging his now green hair witch earned me a throaty moan. I felt his motion getting sloppy as I whimpered, "I'm so close Mikey." "I know I'm close too." He said moaning. He let out a deep moan witch pushed me over and my walls closed around his length and we rode our highs out together. Still catching our breath he lend his forehead against mine and whispered, "Best. Sex. Ever." I giggled at him and kissed him "Well I'm glad" I said rolling over and cuddling into his chest and pulling the blankets over us.

We lay there for a few minutes as he ran his fingers threw my hair and I tried keeping my eyes open but they were determine to be closed with sleepiness. He kissed me temple and whispered, "Don't let me lose you."

"Don't let me go." I whispered back and fell into sleep.

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