Chapter 10

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I get home and my father is asleep on the couch in the living room with the T.V on. I close the door as quite as possible and go into the living room and turn the T.V off and get a blanket and put it on him. I lean over and kiss him on his forehead and whisper, "I love you. I may not say it a lot but I do." And I jumped when he grabbed my hand "I love you too" he said with a sleepy smile. I smiled and walked up to my room and I walked in and Mackenzie was on my bed.

"Do you realize what time it is?" She said as if she was my parent.

"I am aware that it is 11:30 on a Friday night. What is the big deal?"

"You were out with Michael weren't you? I heard that he kissed you in front of the school today."

"Ya he kissed me in front of the school and it was amazing." I snapped

"I told Emmily he is bad news!" She almost screamed at.

"You don't know him okay Kenz I do though and he is an amazing person!"

"You don't know that Emmily!"

"I do too I just spent the last 3 hours with him!"

"3 hours does not mean you know him Emmily!"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM! I have had enough of everyone's crap!"

"Fine I'll leave but don't come running to me when he hurts you and by the way nice hickie." Damn it he left a mark. I slammed the door and yelled "IT FELT GOOD!" I heard her gasp as she walked away.

Crap crap crap crap I didn't think he left a mark. I felt him sucking but not hard enough to leave a bruise. Crap I'm so glad dad didn't wake up but now I have to cover it up. I change into some shorts and a t-shirt and get in bed. I plug my phone into my charger and notice I have a text message from Michael.

I really enjoyed tonight!!! Hope we can do it again sometime!! :) Xx

Well idk if it will be soon cause you left a mark xX

What do you mean a mark???

Well when you got frisky you left something on my neck

What lol I didn't know. Did your dad see?

No, thank god but my sister did

I'm sorry xP

I turned my phone off and fell asleep with the taste of Michael's lips still lingering on mine.


I wake up on Saturday around 11:00 feeling refreshed from last night. I wake up and my neck is a little tender and I remember my fight with Kenzie last night. I role out of bed and go to look at it in the mirror. It's green ish so I cover it with some concealer and head downstairs to get something to eat. I almost trip on my way down the stairs. I get in the kitchen and Kenzie is sitting at the table staring at me.

"Let me guess you already told dad about it." I snapped at her

"No I didn't tell dad." She said calmly

"Why? You finally got a heart and a sense to leave me the hell alone?" I said with attitude.

"I already had a heart and I'm gunna let you do what you want and if he hurts you it's not my fault."

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