Chapter 28

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After I hugged him he dragged me to his room. I've never been in his house let alone his room. He had games spread everywhere and posters of bands all over his room. It was messy with clothes everywhere but in his laundry hamper. He had dishes and food everywhere.

"Um ya I wasn't expecting you to come over." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's alright." I said giggling. "What is that smell?" I say covering my nose.

"Who knows?" He said and reached for some air freshener. We walked over to his bed where he pushed stuff off and we sat at the edge of it. He took my hands in his and was going to apologize but before he could I pushed my finger against his lips and said "Please don't apologize anymore I'm tired of it."

"I am sorry."

"I know I know Mikey it wasn't your fault." I said so tired of fighting with him I simply just missed his touch. I fell back on his bed and scooted to lay my head on his pillow and soon he laid his head beside mine. We lay there staring at each other.

"You're making me nervous." He said.

"Are we being honest now?" I said with a straight face not joking.

"I guess we are." Michael said lying on his back looking at the ceiling. I turned on my back also and took a breath.

"What do you wanna do after you graduate?"

"I'm not exactly sure right now." He almost whispers.

"Michael you graduate in like 3 months."

"You sound like my parents Emm. I know it's only 3 months away but I have no idea what I'm going to do."

"Am I in it?" I almost whisper.

"Why would you ask that?" Michael says looking over at me.

"Well who knows what's going to happen after you graduate. Who knows what's going to happen with 5 Seconds Of Summer? You guys good make it big and I'll be forgotten lost in the shadows."

"Why would you think that?" He says and rolls onto his side.

"Cause I'm just a girl you meet and your gunna meet a lot of other girls."

"But I'll never meet another like you." He said holding my hand.

"Ya you'll find girls who are prettier and smarter." I said as my eyes started to sting with uprising tears.

"I may but I'll never meet anyone who is funnier or someone I could care for like I care for you. I will never be able to meet someone who has loved me like you do. Or is so ticklish." He said tickling my side and I couldn't help but laugh. He scooted closer and put is arm around the top of my head to where he's looking down at me. "Or someone with such a beautiful smile or pretty eyes." He continued. I put my hand to his cheek and kissed him. "Or someone with softer lips or can make melt just by the sound of her moan." He said as he kissed my collarbone nipping and sucking at it and in return I moaned. "Like an angel singing." He said.

"You're a liar but I'll believe you for now." I said smiling.

"I am not a liar." He said pretending to be offended.

"Whatever." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"I really do love you though." He said seriously.

"I know. I love you too." I said rolling on to him and sitting on his stomach. I kissed him but it was just suppose to be innocent which it did not stay that way. He slid his hand up my shirt and I got the goosebumps from his hands gliding on my stomach.

"No bra?" He asked.

"I am wearing pjs dork." I said and kissed his neck. I messaged my breast and it felt so good. I kept kissing and nipping at his neck witch got me I few moans and his member being restrained. I jumped when his phone vibrated on his nightstand. He ignored it and I glanced at it and it read 'Mom' I picked it up and handed it to him. He groaned as he answered it. I sat on his stomach as he said "What?" to his mom and I smacked his arm and mouthed, "Be nice," he just laughed. "Ok." "Ok." "Yeah." Ok." "Alright." "K bye." Is all he said and then hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked well tracing circles on his chest.

"She just said they would be home in about 15 minutes." He said holding my arms.

"Well fifteen minutes should be enough time right?" I said scooting down.

"Enough time for what?" He asked as I unzipped his pants. I pulled them down and then his boxers. His member sprang out and I took him in my hand and rubbed his shaft. He moaned and I licked the tip of it. "No teasing." He said trying to refrain from moaning again. I got off the bed and pulled him to stand up. I got on my knees and took as much as my mouth would fit of him in. He made a hissing noise as I sucked on his member and moved my tongue around. He grabbed the back of my head and forced more of himself in my mouth. I looked up at him and batted my eyelashes and he twitched in my mouth signaling his about to cum. I hallowed my cheeks and he released in my mouth. He collapsed onto his bed. "And no one will ever be able to make me cum like you." He said. He put some sweats on and we headed downstairs to find some food.


After looking for food for a couple minutes his parents got home and when they did we left to go to my house. When we walked through the door we headed towards my room.

"Emmily!" My mom yelled and I went to her in the kitchen Michael right behind me. My mom was shocked to see cause just 3 hours ago I was furious at him. My mom went towards Mikey and he was scared. She hugged him and said with a smile, "Mikey long time no see." When she parted the hug he was relaxed and that was when she slapped him. I was shocked just as much as he was and she said, "You ever hurt my baby girl like that again boy I will make sure you won't be able to have kids."

I have never seen Michael so scared in my life. He stood there still as my mom turned around to finish cooking whatever she was making. "Sorry Michael but I had to do that it's what moms are for." She said and he finally moved rubbing his cheek. "It seems like all you girls want to slap me." He said and dryly laughed.

"Alright well we'll be up in my room." I said trying to fill in the awkward silence. We went up to my room and laid down on my bed and fall asleep well watching a movie.

(A/N: Hey you guys so i got some social networks so if you have one of the following it wouldn't hurt to look me up and hit that follow button and i promise you won't forget it

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So find me follow me i post stuff everyday and i would like to think i'm pretty good at the social media thing and i always wanna talk to guys and know your opinions and fyi there's made 10 or 15 more chapters till this book is finished and maybe even fewer who knows. I really don't know if anyone actually reads these but what the heck right so if you did comment your favorite Mimmly moment yet or comment your favorite color or coluor (lol see i got you UK) or comment anything i feel my readers are ghosts cause i've only talked to like 5 or 6 of all let me know you're there!! PLEASE :) lol so ya i know i'm weird but vote, comment, share, and tell a friend ;) )

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