Chapter 37

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I was mindlessly scrolling through twitter when a magazine account popped up with a title that read "Michael Clifford from 5sos may have a girlfriend?" thinking it was me I continued to scroll down. My eyes blurred as I saw a picture of Michael and some girl making out on a street corner. I couldn't believe what I saw as the tears ran down my face. I exited out of the screen as fast as I could. I picked up my phone and called him. It rang two or three times till he answered.

"Hey babe! What's up?" He said giddy.

" it true?" I sobbed through the phone.

"Is what true? Is everything alright babe?" He asked now a little worried.

"Is it fucking true Michael?" I said not binging able to say anything else.

"Is what true? Talk to me please."

"That picture of you kissing that girl. It's on twitter." I sobbed "Is it fucking true?"

He was silent. "Michael is it fucking true!"

"I'm sorry babe I was drunk and..."

"Why Michael! Why?!" I screamed

"It meant nothing I swear."

"I fucking trusted you Michael."

"Baby trust me now it was an accident."


"I was drunk it meant nothing."

"I loved you Michael." I said almost a whisper.

"Loved?" he asked worried.

"I gave my heart to you." I said in disbelief that any of this is going on. "And you ... you ripped it apart."

It was silent on his side of the phone all you could hear is silent sobs.

"Michael I think..." I trailed of not wanting to say it.

"No baby don't say it please don't say it." He protested.

"I think we should break up." I said in a whisper and started to sob.

He started to protest against me as I hung up and threw my phone at the wall most likely cracking it. Amnesia started playing signifying Michael was calling me back. I texted him "don't make this harder then it has to be" and put my phone on silent and put in under my bed. I climbed in bed and wrapped myself up in the blankets and cried myself to sleep.

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