Chapter 6

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People were starring me at when I got out of his car. It's not a good thing to be a freshman getting of a senior guys car and knew the news would get to Kenzie but I didn't care cause as everyone starred at us Michael just kept walking like nothing happened. I saw Kaylee and Faith and told Michael that I'll see him in band later today and he said bye. I ran up to Kaylee and Faith and Kaylee said

"What was that about?"

"It's nothing we are just friends."

"It better stay that way Emmily he is trouble."

"Well everyone is saying that but he seems pretty nice. After he walked me home last night Kenzie say and yelled at me and then told my dad." I said well heading to the cafeteria.

"And then what happened? What did your dad say?"

"He just asked me why I was with him and said that Kenzie told him Michael was a bad guy."


"Ya oh. So I walked out and headed to the park and lay down to cool off and Michael saw me so he gave me a ride." I blushed a little.

"Way to get in smooth with your crush." Kaylee said as she winked.

"Well I did just put on a show you know a freshman girl getting out of a senior guys car is a big deal." I say sarcastically and Kaylee and Faith giggle and I part my way from them to head to history.

The day goes by fast and I'm on the edge of my seat for band and playing bass with Michael. The bell rings in Algebra 2 (witch is a junior class yet again I hate being smart!) and I grab my bag and get to the band room as fast as I can and some how Michael is there before.

"Hey Michael."

"Hey. You ready? I have a room in the back if you want privacy well doing this."

"Okay ya." I jokingly say "But hands to yourself."

And he retaliated with out missing a beat "I'll try", then winked at me. I was so flustered and I could feel my cheeks getting red as he just laughed at me.

He had a room sat up with the bass and his guitar. The bass is so beautiful I have sat next to one similar like this and wept about how desperate I was for love or how I hated the way I was treated but I also smiled when held it when someone called me pretty or did something positive towards me. Music and me have a bond that is unbreakable and no one else understands it. But when I look at Michael I see the same look in eyes when he stares at that guitar. And I can't help but feel a weird connection with him. I go over and grab the bass by the neck and put the strap around my back and sit on the amp. We play over some basics and the song "American Idiot" by green day because we both know how to play it from heart. I look up and we only have 5 more minutes till Calum needed the bass back for their practice. I decide to look over some of Calums music and I see a C#m I know how to play it but just because I'm curious of what he will do I say:

"Hey Michael how do you play this?" and I pass the music sheet to him.

"Oh that's a C# hear let me show you." He gets up and makes his way over and puts his hands over mine and I get the chills a little. He puts his hand over my right hand and puts it on the A string then takes my left and puts on the 4th threat of the bass. I turn to look at him and smile. As I turn my head to face him our noses touch and we sit there looking into each other's eyes and he goes in for it and kisses me. I close my eyes as he creases my cheek with his hand and I don't know what to do I wasn't expecting it. He pulls back as I open my eyes and looks a little worried but I smile and his face relaxes.

"Well Michael, I have to say this is the most exciting bass lesson I've ever had."

"Well um sorry."

Calum comes throw the door and Michael jerks away fast trying to act like nothing happened and I do the same by taking the bass off and heading out to the main room where they practice.

We sit there in silence waiting for Ashton and Luke to show up and I just twiddle my thumbs and think about what happened in the practice room. How natural it felt. How perfect it felt and that I want to kiss him again. I look up and he's starring at me and I feel my face heat up smiles and turns red a little.

Luke and Ashton walk in I hope Calum doesn't say anything. As I was hoping that no one would ask about the lesson, Ashton asks me, "So how did your lesson go?"

"It went great." I say with a smile and I look over at Michael and he has a little smirk on his face. As if on cue Calum buts in and says, "I'll say it was great, I walked in and it looked like they were going to kiss." I turn hot red at the memory of it and Michael says, "Dude I told you I was just showing her a fingering." "Oh 'm sure." Luke says sarcastically and winks at Michael. Michael then says, "Can we just start practice." So I sit there for the next 30 minutes listening to them. Then the bell rings and I go out to catch Kaylee and Faith and I don't tell them about the kiss.

(AN: I have alot of homework this weekend so i may only be able to update 1 or 2 chapters sorry :/ but don't forget to follow, vote, commen, and share with your friends!!! :) )

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