Chapter 24

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The next day we woke up and my dad had made pancakes for us. We had decided after breakfast we were going to the mall so we could finish Christmas shopping. We put our dishes in the sink and the girls went up to my room to get their stuff. So I asked my dad for some money "Hey dad can I get some money?"

"Ya honey, how much do you need?"

"$150 or $200? Please it's for Christmas shopping."

"Fine but I better get a really nice tie for Christmas then." He said smiling and kissed my head.

"Thanks dad." I said putting the money in my pocket. And Kaylee and Faith came downstairs.

"You ready?" Kaylee asked.

"Yup! Who's driving?" I asked on our way to the front door.

"I guess I will." Kaylee piped up.

"Good cause if I drove we would all be dead." Faith said laughing.

"We know." I said laughing. We get in the car and we head to the mall listening to the radio. My phone vibrates in mu pocket.

Mikey: Hey I'll see you tonight all right? I have band practice all day today.

Me: Okay and smack Calum in the back of the head for me please.

Mikey: Anything for you babe. ;)

I laughed at him and told Kaylee that Mikey would smack Calum in the head for me.

"He better smack some sense into him!" Faith said.

"Don't even bother it's not like we were together for forever." Kaylee said.

"Ya but you liked him for forever."

"Like and dating are two different things dork."

"Well Mikey's still hitting him in the head for me." I said giving a sarcastic smile. I sat back and Faith turned the radio up and soon enough we were at the mall.

We walked in and it was packed with people with it being 3 more days to Christmas. So we walk around and go in and out of stores endless shopping. We passed by Victoria's secret and Kaylee grabbed my arm and said "Oh my gosh you have to try something on and send it to Mikey."

"Oh my gosh yes." Faith pitched in.

"No no I don't want to."

"Why not? It'll be fun!" Kaylee said with excitement.

"I just don't feel comfortable doing it."

"Fine but you should still get something to wear."

"Fine I'll get something."

"Yaa!" Kaylee and Faith say and search the store. They had decided that I should get this matching bra and pantie set that was pink and lined with black lace. I paid for it and finished shopping.

An hour and a half later and what feels like a hundred pounds of gifts later we make it back to the car. We stuff as many as we can in Kaylee's trunk and the rest in the back. After that I realized I haven't gotten Michael a gift yet.

"Shit. Sorry guys I didn't get Michaels gift."

"Well where do we have to go? What are you gunna get him?" Faith asked

"I was thinking some kind of game from GameStop."

"Alright well we gotta go back in there." Kaylee said taking a breath. We jogged across the parking lot and back into the mall. GameStop was up a hallway and two stores to your right so it didn't take long to get there. Once we were in there I went looking for some game like Halo or Call of Action or Duty something like that. I looked in my pocket to see that I had about thirty dollars left. I heard Faith gasp and Kaylee turned to check on her. I picked up a game and starting looking at the back of it when Kaylee tapped my shoulder.

"What?" I whispered cause it was quite in the store. Kaylee pointed across the store and I didn't know what I was expecting but I was not expecting what I saw. I turned and there was a tall guy with green hair by the name of Michael Clifford and A tall skinny girl that was as pretty as could be kissing. My Michael ... my ex Michael cheating on me. My eyes blurred at the vision of it. I went over near him and he saw me coming "Baby it's not what it looks like." I smacked him. Hard.

"Don't you fucking baby me! This doesn't look like band practice!" I yelled not caring that I was making a scene. I ran out of the store and he tried to grab my wrist but I yanked it from his hands. I ran to the car and collapsed. Shortly Kaylee and Faith came running behind me. They saw me on the ground "I just wanna go home." I said with tears leaking from my eyes and I got into the back of the car as Kaylee drove me home. It was quite except me crying and muttering, "I wanna go home."


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