Chapter 13

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After he called me a whore again I punched him in his face. "I'm not a whore first of all! And second of all you hit Mikey again and I promise you I just won't punch you again." I heard Mikey whisper "Holy shit" from behind me. I walked away with a smirk on my face and I cradled my hand. I looked down at my hand and two of my knuckles were split but the pain I feel now was worth it all. Michael came up next to me and looked at my knuckles.

"Shit are you okay?"

"Ya I'm fine Mikey."

He smiled at me, "You know no one has ever done that for me."

"Well you don't deserve what he is doing to you."

"Thanks." He whispered

We then walked to my house my hand waffled with his as he carried his x-box in his other arm. We get to my house and my mom see's Michaels face.

"Oh my gosh Michael what happened?"

"It's nothing Ma'am sorry."

He then went up stairs to set up his x-box and I followed after him until my mom grabbed my arm.

"What happened?"

"I told you it wasn't safe for him over there."

And I ran up stairs and he had already set everything up and had put in a racing game. He sat on my floor leaned against the front of my bed with two controls. I sat down next to him and he pressed a button and 'forza motorsports' flashed across the screen. I looked down at the controller and was so confused as Michael kept pressing all these buttons on his and I wasn't. I asked him how it worked and he scooted over and around me to where he had his legs around me and they were long and sexy in those sweats... pay attention I whispered in my head and when I came back all I heard was

"and push the right trigger for gas. You got it?"

I turned my head to look at him and his face was inches from mine and I had never really realized how beautiful his eyes were. They were a really pretty green. I realized I had been staring at him for a little to long and said "Yes" without really knowing what I was doing. Then with that he pressed a button and leaned back against him and I raced him. The game was way harder then it looked. After we had raced about 15 times and me losing 15 times we were both on the edge because I finally caught up to him with one lap to go right next to each other.

"What you sacred you're going to lose to a girl Mikey?" I tease him.

"You wish." He smirks back and he accelerates and I think quickly on my feet not wanting to lose again I turn around and kiss him. He was shocked and at first I thought I made a mistake but soon enough he kissed me back. I pushed him on to the floor and pinned him by his shoulders. I parted the kiss and grabbed my controller and crossed the finish line before him.

"That's right you lost to a girl!" I said excitedly. I had lost track of time over the past few hours and I saw it was 2 am. Mikey put his finger to his mouth and whispered "Shhh."

"Don't tell me to shhh I will tell the world that Michael Clifford got beat by a girl." I said giggling. I laughed and he said sarcastically, "Yes I can't have anyone now about it." He stuck his tongue out and sat up to where we were facing each other.

"So I guessed you just kissed me to win?" He said with a 'sad' puppy dogface.

"Duh." I sarcastically said.

"Oh shut up."

"Make me." I said sticking my tongue out. And before I knew what was happening he had me pinned to the floor kissing me. But this wasn't like the other times he had kissed me this one was deep like he was begging for something else then I felt his icy hand on my bare skin under my shirt and I got the chills. I've never done this before and I get butterfly's in my stomach. I feel his hand slowly move up my shirt as he kisses me harder and deeper. He feels my bra and gently rubs my breast and I let out a moan I didn't know I was keeping in. I feel his smile spread on his lips as he pulls away from my vacant lips. He brings his mouth right next to my ear and whispers oh so seductively "oh no no no not with your parents down the hall" and bites my ear and then sucks on my collar bone and I know it's going to color in the morning but I'm to rapped up in the moment. I softly kiss his lips slow and gentle and whisper, "tease" and roll out from under him and hitting his arm so he falls. And run into my bed well giggling. I feel a body get into next to me and he turns out the lights and tickles me

"Stop Michael" I say giggling a little

"Fine. Night." He said wrapping an arm around my waist. I role over and kiss his nose and whisper "night" and like that both of us were out like a light bulb.

(A/N: Hey sorry it took so long to get this chapter up i've been dealing with a lot of stuff lately and stressing alot and writting is my stress relevier so ya thank you guys for the reads!!!! Love you guys so much and i guess this question is who is your fav from 5SOS?!?!?!?! and what would you want your ship name to be?!?!?!?!? Mine is mikey hince #Mimmly :) Remember to follow comment and vote vote vote thank you guys for everything!!!! Xx

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