Chapter 2

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We get school and it feels so different from middle school. We have to go get our schedules from some tables and we get a "taxi-senior". Basically a taxi-senior will help you get where you need to be for the first week of school and every senior has to do it. I get my schedule:

1. History

2. Art

3. English 2

4. Spanish 1

5. Chemistry

6. Geography

7. Algebra 2

8. Band

I take a lot of advanced classes and I hate it because I'm always the youngest in my classes. My taxi-senior is a girl named Sam. She is social and keeps looking at me really weird like I'm going to eat her soul or something. She drops me off at my history class and gives me her number if I have any questions and a map with all my classes circled. I walk in and it's a sophomore class, great a freshman taking a sophomore class. The teacher, Mr. Thomson greets me and tells me how excited he is for me to be in his class and expects great things from me. That's what everyone expects of me "great things" what if I don't want to give "good things". I sit in the back and the day is a daze and then after chemistry we have lunch I meet up with Kaylee and Faith and they talk about how fun their classes are and how the other kids in our grade are like and to be honest I haven't had a class with my grade since 4 grade when my teachers saw that I had "advance learning skills" I hate those skills. Lunch and the rest of the day go by fast till I'm sitting in band my favorite because this isn't your typical band with woodwinds and brass it also has string instruments and a drum kit. I play bass so I head straight for it because it's the only thing I like about coming to this hellhole of a school. I put my backpack down and head to the bass and I'm 3 steps away and a senior guy grabs it before I can touch it.

"Dude you saw me going for it why did you take it?"

"Sorry girl put have to practice with my band."

"Well how long will that take?"

"All period sorry. I'm Calum."

"I'm Emmily. What's the name of this band of yours?"

"Well I mean we are called 5 seconds of summer."

"What is that even suppose to mean?"

Then this guy with bright pink hair walks behind me and he is perfect and his accent is out of this world.

He says, "Why does everyone ask that? A band name is just a band name it doesn't have to have a meaning behind it." And he smiles at me. I am breathless. He is so cute and his hair is glorious.

"Well if you aren't going to let me play the bass can I listen to you guys?"

"Ya sure we just have to wait for Luke and Ashton to get here. Luke is our lead singer and he plays guitar. Ashton is our drummer. I'm the bassist. And Michael over there is the guitarist. We all sing and do vocals too."

"Cool what kind of music do you do?"

"We do some blink-182 and green day and we write some of our own stuff."

"Dude no way I freaking love green day and blink-182."

"Dude really!" Michael says with a smile "Then stick around and listen Luke and Ash just walked in."

I turn around and there is a really tall guy with blonde hair and a lip ring then a guy you can tell is the drummer because his arm muscles are huge. So I sit there for the next 30 minutes and they play some songs but there was one song that they wrote and it was amazing it was something about amnesia I think. The whole time I felt Michael staring at me so I looked over at him and I blushed a little and he smiled down at his feet. They started putting up and I was stunned cause they were really good.

"Wow you guys are amazing!"

"Thanks" they all said.

"So Calum can I play bass tomorrow?"

"You play bass?" Michael asks

"Yeah I've been playing for almost 2 years-ish and always looking to improve."

"I play guitar witch is similar to a bass so I tell you what get here a little earlier tomorrow and I'll show you a few things."

"Okay sounds like a deal." I say and smile. The bell rings so I get up and grab my bag and head out the door as I say bye.

(AN: Thank you if you are reading it's really shitty so thank you for reading it :) don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends)

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