Chapter 27

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I sat around the Christmas tree tired and hungry but this was the only time of the year that my mom, dad, and sister and I are actually in the same room happy together. Or act happy. But it's the one-day all the happy fake or not feels authentic. Even though Kenzie and me are older our parents still insist on getting us presents. I ended up with a new phone books and music. I stumble up the stairs with my new stuff and walk into my room laying it all on my bed. I put the books on my bookshelf and music with my other music. I laid down on my bed about to text Faith and Kaylee when a message pops up from Michael. It read go to your front door. I got up and jogged down the stairs to the front door. I stood on my tippy toes to see out the peephole. No one was there. I texted him back:

Me: No one is out there.

Mikey: Well open the door and look down.

I open my door and look down I see a wrapped CD case with a bow and a note. I picked it up and run up the stairs to read it. I sat on my bed and took a breath and read the note 'I dropped it off in case you were still pissed at me.' 'Finally some since' I thought. I ripped the note off and stuck it in my drawer. I opened it and there was a case in the front was a picture of Michael and me kissing. It was the only picture I really liked that had my face in it. I opened the case and on the back of the picture was another note in his chicken scratch. 'Here is a mix tape of all the songs that describe how I feel about you' then there was the playlist below it.

1. Bring me the horizon: Death beds

2. Katy Perry: Teenage dream

3. Bruno Mars: Just the way you are

4. Pierce the veil: Yeah boy and Doll face

5. Blink 182: I miss you

6. Pierce the veil: Kissing in cars

7. Foster the people: I would do anything for you

8. Pierce the veil: She Makes Dirty Words Sound Pretty

9. Sleeping with sirens: Stomach tied in knots

And last but not least

10. Amnesia

They all had little notes as to why he thought of me in that song and I got down to Amnesia. He wrote 'this was how I felt when you left. I don't ever want to feel it again. I love you.' I started to cry. I put my shoes on and grabbed my jacket. I ran down the stairs nearly tripping on the last step. I yanked the car keys "I'll be back" is all I say before I close the door. I get in the car and start the ignition and take off to Michaels house. When I get there I knock on his door waiting when the door opens and Michael is there. I wrap my arms around him and clash our lips together. He wasn't expecting it but he wasn't denying it. I parted and looked at him with a smile.

"What was that?" He said a smirk spread across his face.

"I don't wanna lose you either." I said burying my head in his chest.

(Check me out on twitter: @NeedingTheCliff)


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