Chapter 4

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On the way home he talks to me about how much he loves music and being in a band. We talk about school and me being a freshman.

"Wow you're a freshman?"

"Ya I know it's not the coolest thing ever."

"Well your pretty cute for a freshmen." I look over at him and he's staring down at his shoes and I turn red and just smile at the ground.

"So do you and your band '5 seconds of summer' do any gigs?"

"We've done a few and a few videos."

"Cool do you guys have like a CD with your music on it?"

"Not right now but we have recorded if you want a CD I can burn you one if you want."

"That would be awesome it would give me something new to listen to. Well I'm right here and my dads home so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay see you tomorrow em." I giggle when he calls me em like he's uncomfortable calling me by a nickname

"Okay thanks for walking me home."

He smiles and starts to walk away and I stand there smiling like an idiot because you are doing what no freshman should do: you are falling for a senior. You walk inside and Kenzie is standing there and scared the shit out of me.

"Damn Kens what the hell are you doing?"

"Who was that boy you were talking to you?" and by the look on her face I know she isn't looking to gossip about boys like the past 2 years.

"Why does it matter to you?" I snap at her as I put the leash away.

"Well his name is Michael Clifford and that is not a good name."

"That's for me to decide Kenzie." I start heading upstairs and she follows.

"Daddy won't approve of him Emmily."

"Daddy won't approve of him Emmily" I say mimicking her "Oh please kens dad doesn't even notice me half the time." I shut my door and lock it she screams through it "Emmily Anne you will not be seeing that boy again!"

"I don't fucking care what you say Mackenzie Lee it's my life my friends not yours!" I hiss at her throw my door. I hear her stomp down the stairs and I text Kaylee and Faith about the park and the way home and fall asleep listening to my music.

(AN: Sorry this is a shorter chapter, don't forget to vote, comment, and share with your friends)

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