Chapter 36

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My birthday is tomorrow and I'm turning 16 so since Michael isn't here he wanted to be the first one to tell me Happy birthday. I stayed up doing my homework waiting for Michaels call and almost falling asleep well doing my math work my laptop rings and Michaels name pops up. I answer it trying to rub the sleep out of my eye.

"Hello beautiful!" Michael shouted as I opened the call.

"Well hello." I said smiling.

"What time is it there?" He said eagerly making sure he was the first one to tell me happy birthday.

"About 11 ish." I said looking at the corner of my screen.

"Alright just an hour till." He said as I got comfortable and lay down resting my head on the pillow. "Don't go to sleep." He whined.

"I'm not I'm just get comfortable." I said yawning.

"Let's play that question game." He said, "So you don't fall asleep."

"Okay but you go first."

"Alright, what do you want to do when you graduate?"

"Hopefully go do something with animals like maybe zoology? What about you?"

"Hopefully I stay right here in the music." He said smiling, "Okay your turn."

"Why do you dye your hair?" I asked really wondering why.

"I don't know it's stupid really." He said shy

"Tell me please?"

"Well I guess it's like my form of rebellion against my parents. But anyways do you like having siblings?"

"Not really I mean don't get me wrong I like Kenzie and all I just wish I had like an older brother or something. What about you?"

"Considering I don't have siblings I wish I did. Like a younger sister to protect but I on the second hand am glad I don't have siblings cause if my dad were to hit them I think I would lose it."

"Do you ever want kids?" I said quietly.

"Ya I want kids one day. What about you?" He said feeling slightly uncomfortable that I brought up the subject of kids.

"I mean even though the chances of me being able to get pregnant are slimmer then a vogue model I still want kids. Like I really want twin boys."

"Why twin boys?" He asked smiling.

"I don't know. They're cute plus I would rather have boys then girls cause boys are cheaper and less drama."

"What would you name them?" He asked interested cause I've never really talked about kids.

"I would wanna name them Eric and E'Lie." I said smiling at the thought of having two little mini Michaels running around the house.

"Why Eric and E'Lie?"

"I don't know I've just always liked those names for some reason." I said and looked up at the corner of the screen it was almost midnight here. I never understood why time went by so fast.

"Well they are manly names. But happy birthday babe!"

"Thanks." I said laughing.

"I'll let you go to sleep now call me sometime tomorrow okay?"

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you." And with that the call ended.

The best birthday yet had only begun. I was asleep within minutes of the call ending.

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