Chapter 16

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We played all different kinds of arcade games from Pac-Man to some shooting game that I was horrible at. We were currently at the air hockey table and I was winning 3-2 it was a constant battle against each other as we talked trash to each other trying to get them to not concentrate. I look up and Mikey is so concentrated that he is holding his hair with his hand and I look back down and the puck is near me and I hit it has hard as I can and it slides right by him and makes it into the slot. I win the game 4-2.

"Ha I finally won."

"Finally." He said with a smirk. He walked over to be and dragged to the laser tag dome.

"But Mikey I've never played this."

"It's fine I'll teach you how to play as we go."

"Fine but I probably won't be any good at it."

"I know." He said smiling. We waited in line for what seemed like forever until we made it to the front. We went in and there were sections for teams. One team was red and the other team was blue. We sided with the blue team and went through the door to get our vests and guns. As we put on our vests loud music was playing in the speakers. We were told to go through some doors to enter the obstacle. Michael took my hand and we went through. As we walked through the obstacle our instructor explained what was about to go down.

"When the lights go off it's you against red there are certain places to hit to get points. When you lose 'ammo' shot right here," he yelled pointing to an ATM looking thing, "any questions?" No one had anything to ask so the instructor looked at his watch "Okay 5 minutes till lights off."

Michael turned to me "So champ you ready for this?"

"I think I'm going to through up. I have a huge adrenaline rush right now." I said trying to smile. He toke my hand and kissed it and whispered, "Just stay by my side you dork." I laughed, "I'm not a dork." And the lights went off and I grabbed Mikeys hand "Sure but you're a chicken." He said as we ran up the ramp to enter the obstacle full on. There were kids and other teens and adults. I wasn't expecting this and I started to have a panic attack in the middle of the game.

"Mikey... I c-can't breath. T-to many people." He looked at me and looked worried he picked me up and brought me back where we put our vests on and took my inhaler out of my purse and gave it to me. I took two puffs before I passed out.

"Are you okay?"

"Ya I think." I said feeling really light headed and before I knew what was happening it went black. I don't know long I was out but when I woke up I was sat in a chair and Mikey had a cold washcloth on my forehead rubbing my hand.

"How long was I out?"

"Just maybe 5 minutes. Are you okay?"

"Ya I think now. I just had a panic attack there was to many people in there. Sorry I ruined the game for you."

"You didn't ruin anything babe as long as you are okay everything is okay." He said and kissed my check. "I'll go get some food and here hold this on your forehead." He left and I sat there feeling so awkward sitting there. Well I sat waiting for Michael to get back a little kid walked up to me he looked about 5 or 6.

"Are you okay miss," he said tugging on my sleeve "I say you pass out in the laser tag dome."

"Oh yes I am fine now. Thank you." I said and smiled down at the little boy. In which his mom called for him and he left with a smile and a wave. Mikey came back as the kid was leaving.

"Should have known you went for the younger guys."

"Oh yes Michael the younger the better."

"Aw but the older the wiser." He said with a wink. I giggled as he tossed a plate of cheese pizza my way. "Sorry you probably aren't in the mood for pizza but we are at an arcade so all they had was pizza."

"It's alright. It's at least something to eat." I said with a smile. He reached across the table and touched my hand. He looked at me and a group of jocks from our school and their girlfriends passed by. They all shouted "that's gross" and one of the jocks toke his cup and pored his drink on me and shouted, "Get a room you emo freaks!" I was shocked. This date was just one big disaster and all because of me. Michael got up and started walking over to the jocks and I grabbed his arm and said, "Come on Mikey it's not worth it we can go to my house and clean up." I started to drag him to the exit when one the jocks yelled "Ya better listen to her 'Mikey'" the jock said in a mocking voice. Mikey yanked his arm from my hand and told me "I'm done with this shit. I have had to go through this all through the last three years of high school I'm going to end this right now." I didn't stop him as he walked over to the jock and punched him in the face. I winced and walked to the car. About 10 minutes later Mikey got in the car and he had gotten a bruise on his cheek. He started the car and we drove to my house in silence.

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