Chapter 7

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I get out of the car saying bye to Kaylee and Faith and head towards the door but I notice that moms' car is parked in the driveway. I run into the house cause I have to tell someone about the kiss. I walk in and my mom is sitting on the couch watching T.V as usual and I drop my bag and do a happy dance and squeal.

"Oh no what happened with my Emmily?! My Emmily doesn't squeal!"

"Oh mama a boy it's a boy an actual boy and his lips met mine!" I say dramatically well falling down on the couch beside her. I look up and her face is lite up like a teenage girl. I don't get to see her like this very often.

"Emmily Anne you kissed a boy?!" she almost shouted as she muted the T.V and tucked her legs underneath her.

"No mom I kissed a girl" I said sarcastically. "But yes I kissed a boy and I don't know how to feel help."

"Well honey what's his name?"

"His name is Michael and please don't tell daddy."

"Okay I won't tell your father but Michael is he cute?"

"Yes mom he's in a band and has pink hair but he's a senior."

"Oh a senior missy well feel how you want be happy if it makes you happy."

I couldn't stop smiling and blurted, "I wanna kiss him again! It felt so natural." She laughed and I went up to my room and fell on bed. Then Billie jumped up on my bed and started licking my face I laughed and said "I love your kisses too boy."


The rest of the week goes by fast and a few glances at Michael but he hasn't talked to me since the kiss on Tuesday. I sit in Algebra 2 as I have the whole week trying to figure out why he won't talk to me. Is he ashamed he kissed a freshman? The bell rings and I'm not in a hurry to get to the band room cause I really don't feel like looking at Michael and feeling confused but happy all at once. Ashton meets up with me half way.

"Hey Emmily." He says smiling. I just smile and look back down at my feet. "What's wrong? You look sad."

"If I tell you, you have too promise you don't tell a soul especially Michael."

"Okay I promise. What's wrong?"

"Well on Tuesday when Michael and I had a lesson we ... um..."

"Kissed? No way he told us nothing happened."

"You can't tell him I told you!"

"Okay well I think you're the first girl to kiss Michael and be sad about it."

"Well he hasn't talked to me since then. Why?"

"I don't know? Maybe he's nervous or something?"

"Ya okay. Well it's still cool to watch you guys today right? I mean it's not weird or anything right?"

"No it's pretty cool you're like our first groupie." He said with a big smile then said "Or maybe just Michaels groupie." And winked at me.

"Ashton you promised please don't bring it up." I couldn't help but smile at the idea of being Michaels groupie. Ashton nudges me and winks. We walk in together and I look over at Michael and he is glaring at Ashton almost at least I think. Ashton whispered in my ear "Ya I think he might like you if he is looking at me like that. Pretend to laugh like I said something funny just to see what he does." I giggle and Ashton laughs and we look at Michael. Michael stands up and says "Can we start practice now, Ashton you're late."

"Fuck off Michael." Ashton said while flipping him the bird. So they started practice and Ashton kept making funny faces at me so I kept giggling and I could feel Michael staring at me. While they packed up Ashton sat next to and we talked.

"Dude did you see the way he was looking at you every time you laughed?"

"I know I feel him looking at us right now." We continued to whisper to each other just to egg Michael on. The bell rang and I hugged Ashton bye and walked out of the room to catch Kaylee and Faith. As I see them pull up to the curb someone grabs my arm and turns me around. As I turn I see pink hair and then his lips meet mine for the second time and he held my wrist in one hand and pushed my hair out of my face with the other. And it's like heaven so magical as our lips moved in sync and my eyes are closed I move my hand to his hair and it's extremely soft and I can't think but as he pulls back, us both out of breath, he whispers "So how about pizza tonight and a movie?"

I had just enough breath to whisper "Yes."

He smiles big and says "Good I'll pick you up at 7 okay?"

"Alright" and he walked away. I start to walk to the car and I hear behind me "SHE SAID YES" Michael screamed as he opened the band room door. I blush big time. I open the car door and Kaylee and Faith say, "What. Was. That. About?"

(AN: OMG i'm fangirling over my own writting!!! is that bad? LOL Sorry it took all weekend to update and you guys only got 1 chapter but i had a bunch of homework cause i was sick but make sure to comment, vote, and share!!! Love you guys so so so so so much you don't even know!!! I can't wait till they go out for pizza lol this is bad i am falling in love with my own writing. So i thought to stay in contact with yall i'll ask you questions every time i update !!:) so todays question is what is your favorite song or band ever!!??!! Thank you guys for reading this!!)

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