Chapter 31

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We all meet up at my house about an hour later. We move all the couches to the walls and gather about 30 blankets and 20 pillows and spread them everywhere. We were all lying down staring at the ceiling when Calum spoke up "Wow we're going on tour."

"And we have fans other then our moms." Luke said.

"Well we do I don't about you Hemmings." Michael said.

"So what are you guys gunna do about school? You only have like three months until you graduate." Faith said making love eyes at Ashton.

"We'll just finish and get our diplomas online." Ashton said.

"I'm gunna miss you so much." I whisper into Michaels ear and he squeezes my hand.

"Hey let's play truth or dare." Kaylee said and we all sat up in a little circle "I'll go first." She said volunteering. "Um Ashton truth or dare?"

"Truth?" Ashton asked.

"Pussy." Calum coughed.

"Fine dare." Ashton said giving in.

"I dare you to kiss Faith." Kaylee said and faith looked up from chipping her nail polish off.

"What?" Faith asked.

"Come on just kiss, everyone wants you too." Luke said.

"Fine." Ashton said turning towards her. Faiths eyes got big but she didn't fight it she wanted to kiss him almost as much as the rest of us wanted them to kiss. He put his hands on either side of her face and kissed her and it was almost like we didn't exist anymore till Calum shouted "and use tongue." At witch point he used it without Faith knowing what was going to happen. Faiths eyes shoot open but soon closed as she relaxed back into the kiss. They parted and we all coughed to knock them back into reality. They looked at each other and faith had the biggest smile as she bit her lip.

"Well that finally happened." Luke said and we all clapped for them and faith being the sarcastic one bowed.

"Alright now it's my turn." Ashton said with a sly smile.

"Shit." Kaylee mumbled under her breath.

"Truth or dare Calum?"

"Dare." Calum said fearless.

"I dare you and Kaylee to play seven minutes in heaven." Ashton said like he was genius.

So we went and put them in my coat closet in the hallway. Once they were in there we heard mumbling then it escalated to a whisper yell. We couldn't really tell what was being said but Kaylee had a lot to say. Then it went quite we had all thought maybe Kaylee had killed him and Ashton's watch went off signaling seven minutes are up. We all crowed the door and opened it and what we saw was unexpected. They were sucking face big time. They stopped when they noticed we had opened the door.

"So I'm guessing everything's fixed?" Luke said.

"You can say that." Kaylee said looking up at Calum. We then all walked back to the living room and Calum asked me "Truth or dare." Too scared I said, "Truth."

"Fine um is it true you love Mikey?"

I looked up at Michael and he looked down at me and said "Madly." And smiled at the only guy in the world I trust. Now it was my turn so I asked Luke, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" He said almost excited.

"Um I dare you too..." Shit I am not good at these. I looked at Michael in need of a dare when Michael said, "We dare you to lick in between Ashtons toes." I cut in "Ewe no Luke you don't have to do that. I dare you to eat a whole bucket of ice cream without a break." I got up to get the ice cream and Michael followed. I opened the freezer and Michael wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder.

"Why are you so gross?" I said putting a hand on his head.

"Cause Luke is a little fucker." Michael said turning to face me. We looked at each others eyes "I'm gunna miss you so much." I whispered.

"I'm gunna miss you too babe." He said bringing me in close to his chest.

"Just promise me you'll never stop dying your hair even if it falls out."

"Don't ever say my hairs gunna fall out." He said pretending to be offended which made me laugh. He kissed me, "I'm gunna miss your laugh so much and your lips." He said running his finger over them.

"I'm gunna miss your bright hair." I said running my fingers threw it.

"Let's just try to not to think about it." Michael said taking my hand and kissing my forehead. We walked into the living room and Luke ate the whole carton in five minutes and then threw it up almost as fast as he ate. We stayed up till about two in the morning and I eventually fell asleep cuddled into Michaels side with his arm around me.

(Hey you guys so ya hope you like the update cause i won't be updateing often cause i have 100 things going on in my life right now but ya love you and follow the fanpage tmnt_5secondsofsummer on instagram love you guys so freaking much *muah* that was me giving everyone a kiss)

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