Chapter 33

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It's been a long week without Michael at school and I normally just ditch last period now. This week we've texted and called but not as much as I would have liked. They have to do a lot of stuff to prepare for the tour. Tonight Michaels suppose to Skype me but the worst part of him leaving is time zones. My laptop started ringing with a call from Michael as I got out of the shower. I answered it but I was still looking for shirt. I turned to find a shirt in my closet and Michael said, "Damn do I miss you." I quickly put my shirt on. I turned around and smiled at him. "I miss you too." I grabbed my laptop and lay on my bed with it.

"So how's it all going over there?" I asked curios.

"Well I didn't know we had this many fans for one and we rehearse a lot." He said exhausted.

I laughed, "Wow the life of a rock star must be so tiring." I said sarcastic.

"Well I'll have you know little lady it is." He said pouty.

"You are a dork. So how's this band you're touring with?"

"Well there are five guys. Harry, he's pretty cool and he's got some really cool tattoos. Then there's um Liam, he's pretty cool he's the guy that keeps the others in line. Then Zayn, he looks like a bad boy edgy kind of guy but he really isn't and he has an amazing singing voice. Then there's Louis, he's the oldest of the group but he doesn't act like it. He's always pulling pranks. Then there's um I'm forgetting one he has blonde hair oh he's names Niall, he's so funny Emm and he's Irish." He said with so much joy in his eyes and voice.

"Sounds like fun." I said.

"It would be more fun if you were here." He said a little sad.

"No it wouldn't."

"Yes it would. You have to come on tour with us for like a week during summer break."

"That's still like three months away Mike."

"So what? Please?" HE said with puppy dog eyes.

"Well I guess but I don't even know what's happening this summer."

"You're coming on tour with me that's what's happening."

"Okay okay." I said giggling. "Tell me more about tour."

"Well we got to set up these twitter accounts that are like official. It's so awesome." He said so excited like a fat kid in a candy store. "But there's something I have to tell you." He said nervous "you can't say anything about us on social media."

"Like that you're my boyfriend? Why not?" I asked confused.

"Cause that's what our manager said he said 'it's bad for our image'."

"I'm bad for your image?"

"No not you. If we stay 'single' more people will listen to our music or something like that all of it's so confusing."

"Oh that's stupid."


"Well I'm going to go to sleep now cause today being Friday it was long." I said yawning.

"Alright well I have to go to rehearsal."

"Okay love you."

"Love you too babe."

And with that the call was over. This is all so new and weird but hopefully it won't be like this for forever. I quit Skype and get on twitter to look up the boys pages and I look to see what's trending and there's a hash tag that reads 5SecondsOfSummer. I click it and a bunch of pictures and videos came up and I scrolled threw it and laughed at some of it till I got to some pictures of pretty girls that Michael was tagged in. Then settled in that Michael has a lot of girls at hand.

(so i'm sorry if this is all scetchy i'm trying to figure out where to go with this so i can end it the way i need to but hey two updates in one week well i'm stressed about a million different shit. you should be proud)

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