Chapter 17

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As we got out of the car and walked into my house I felt numb. Michael followed behind me. Maybe those jocks were right I thought. As if he was reading my mind Michael took my hand and hugged me and whispered, "You don't believe those jackasses do you? You aren't a freak okay babe?" I whispered, "okay" against his chest not really believing him. We walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change out of the sticky clothes I was wearing. I walked into the bathroom and noticed my blade on the sink I closed the door and locked it. I took the blade off the sink and rolled my sleeves up I ran my hand against my scars old and new.







Not fucking good enough for anyone.


I started to cry and Michael knocked on the door "Are you okay babe?"

"Yea Michael I'm fine." I said drawing the blade against my skin. I started to cry harder the more I realized how worthless I was.

"Open this door Emmily I'm not letting you do this!" Michael screamed threw the door. "Why not Michael I'm worthless nothing special!" I shouted at him. After I said that I heard something hit the door once then twice and the door broke open. He rushed in and saw me the blade and the blood. He sat in front of me and rolled his sleeve up and said, "If you want to cut, cut me." He had tears rolling down his cheek and I whispered "I can't do that to you" and he took the blade from my hand and threw it in the sink. He grabbed the gauze and gauze tape from under the sink and wrapped my wrist and picked me up bridal style and carried me to my bed. I buried my face into his chest taking in the sent of him. I wiped my tears on his shirt and he lay me on my bed gently. He got in on the other side and put his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead and whispered, "I love you" I scooted closer to him and said, "I love you too." We laid in silence for a while till I burst into sobs not being able to keep it in any longer. "Shhh" he whispered softly against my ear "It'll be alright." I laid my face on his chest and held on to his shirt. He started to sing amnesia in my ear. "I drove by all the places you use to hang out getting wasted..." I started to calm down as he sang. "Why do you like that song?" He asked. I new it would eventually happen but I don't want to answer.

"I don't know I guess I just really like it."

"No when someone likes a song it's cause they have a connection with the lyrics."

"I mean are you ready for this." I said sitting up and bringing my knees in.

"I guess I am." He said sitting up.

"Well I like the song not because I had some terrible break-up or something it's because I thought when I first heard it wow I really wish I could wake up with amnesia."


"Well you've met my dad. He's not my dad or at least my biological one. My real dad left on my 8th birthday. He use to abuse me really bad." I said as tears rolled down my face. "I was in and out of hospitals with broken bones and black eyes till I was seven. When I was seven he decided to torment me in a different way. He would come into my room at night and rape me." I said sobbing. He held me close to him and I could hear his heart start to race and his tears fall on my hand. "I'm so sorry baby." He whispered.

"It wasn't your fault so don't apologize. Well he raped me every night till a month before my 8th birthday. Then he left without a word. On top of the physical and sexual abuse he also verbally abused me. Telling me I was worthless and pathetic. And those words 6 years later still affect me. I still believe them."

"You don't have to babe you don't have to believe those things because they're not true. I don't care what this dirt bag of a father said to you don't believe it babe cause you are worth so much more then you think of yourself."

I cuddled more into his hug and he laid us down and I kept my face in his neck and dozed of into sleep next to him.

A/N: Hope yall like the double update comment what you think about it below!!! Thank you guys so much!!!!

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