Hey not part of the story

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Hey you guys so for school i have to write a forboding tale. Basicly means i had to write a sad story now everyone is doing a murder story but i decided to take a twist and do a love story hopefully yall read this and tell me what you think down in the comments.

A beautiful baby girl by the name of Faith Crawford was born on March 6, 1998 well a few years before a beautiful baby boy by the name of Luke Hemmings was born on July 16, 1996. Luke was born half way around the world from where Faith was born but what they didn't know is Faith would fall hopelessly in love with Luke but Luke would never know she existed.

It all started on a cold December night a few days before Christmas of 2012. She was bored as she sat on her couch with her younger sister looking up at her continuing to ask her what she thinks she got for Christmas. Faiths younger sister, Kaylee, grabbed a box from under the tree and shook it, it made no sound. Kaylee says with a disappointed look on her face,

"What if mom got us nothing cause we've bad Faith?" Kylee's eyes started to water and Faith said,

"Don't be stupid she just knows you're a snooper."

"I know!" Kaylee says with a grin.

Faith still sat on the couch googling random things when she had gotten a message from a friend on Facebook that read "Hey Faith check this out!" and she opened the link. After she clicked that link her life was changed for the rest of her life. There was no going back after that one little click.

She looked at the video. There was nothing special about it, there were 4 boys, 2 sitting on the floor in front of a Christmas tree, one sitting on a chair holding a guitar and another boy sat on a box drum. She knew they were going to sing a song cause the video was titled "Teenage Dirt Bag". She sat there staring at the screen not knowing after this video her world would change. So she clicked play with one simple tap of the mouse and the video started. At first they looked like 4 quirky awkward teenage boys. She thought nothing of it sense they looked like every other group of teenage boys hoping to be famous. One of the boys who introduced their group as "5 seconds of summer" had an accent an Australian accent. She was more interested now that she heard they had accents. So she continued to watch them not seeing the harm and they sounded pretty good. Actually really good beside some lyric mix-ups they sounded like a band. After seeing this video she saw they had a whole YouTube channel so she started to watch the other videos. And it all started with a scrawny blonde white kid.

This boy had a very beautiful voice but she could tell by how he sat in front of the camera he didn't think he was any good. She had stayed up all night to watch videos of this band; she had learned that the white scrawny kids name was Luke. She spent the next few weeks looking up everything about this band from their birthdays to funny moments. She didn't realize it but every time she say this boy, Luke, she fell more and more into this weird feeling. She couldn't tell if it was the fact she liked their music or maybe just maybe it was love. But how do you fall in love with someone you don't know? How do you fall in love with someone through a computer screen? A phone screen? She didn't quite know herself but when she saw him there was no doubt there was a smile plastered to her face.

As the years went on Faith got bullied for being "different" she didn't talk much and she was always listening to music. She would get pushed and shoved in the hallway by people she didn't even know. But everyday she would get home and watch 5 seconds of summer. They would make her laugh and giggle things she didn't know where possible. When she hit the 8th grade her mother took her to a shrink who diagnosed her with severe clinical depression and social anxiety. Since then her mother never looked at her the same but when she looked at Luke on her screen he looked at her with love and he always looked at her the same way, he never judged her because of her looks, or her learning disabilities, or that she just couldn't talk to people and every time she did she would end up crying. No he looked at her as if she were some goddess a perfect work of art that nobody else could see. In grade 9 she took up the habit of cutting and wore long sleeves year around. She couldn't take all the judging people did to her, behind her back or to her face. She felt like everyone was judging her whether it was kids her own age or even her family. They degraded her for everything she loved and told her she was worthless. They started to tease her about her music and 5SOS but she never understood why her own family wanted to take the only thing that made her a little happy away. So she had to like them in secret. And eventually life got to hard for poor Faith. Life was becoming unbearable for little Faith now in grade 10. The pushing the shoving the starving the cutting it was all too much for her. She felt like a bomb that was going to explode any minute now but no one would notice. She was drowning out in the open and nobody was reaching out for her. She lay on her bed that night debating whether or not to take her life. She debated on if all the tears and scars were worth it. So she made a deal with herself, that if Luke Hemmings noticed her on twitter with in 24 hours she would not commit suicide. So she sat there all night blowing up his DMs trying to get him to notice her. She become upset and frustrated to the point she didn't keep her deal.

In December a few days before Christmas Faiths life had changed when she had never expected it. She never realized that these 4 boys would help her. But she never expected to fall in love with Luke. Now 3 years latter she lay lifeless on the cold tile floor of her bathroom. Pills and bottles everywhere and a razor blade in her left hand. She was dead. What a simple word dead is but holds so much power. Her mother found her the next morning cold. But what Faiths mothers' nightmare was Faiths paradise. Her paradise was to feel so numb there was no pain to feel. Faith took her life 6 days before Christmas at 11:12. Luke Hemmings saw her DMs and finally responded at 11:20 with three simple words that would have saved her life no more then five minutes ago, "I love you." They were followed by words of encouragement from the only guy she loved. From the only thing they made her happy and made her think life was worth living. He finally responded but it was too late. But he would never know that he was just 8 minutes late, he would never know that he was the only one that loved her, and he would never know that she lived for him these past 3 years not herself but for him. But he'll never take the time to even memorize her name.

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