Chapter 34

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I felt so insecure while scrolling through the hundreds of pictures of these beautiful girls. I finally decide to close my laptop and go to bed but as my eyes start to shut Michael texts me 'love you' and I hold on to all the 'I love you' s because that's one thing I have that those girls don't, his love. I fall asleep holding my phone.


When I wake up Billie is licking my face and as I bat my hand at him to make him stop I see my alarm clock. It's about one in the afternoon. I roll out of bed and walk downstairs. There no one was in sight. I shouted for them. "Mom!" "Kenzie!" I walk into the kitchen and there was a note on the refrigerator. 'We went out to get some things for Kenzie. I left you some money so go out with Kaylee and Faith and stop thinking about Michael.'

I smile down at the note and find some yogurt in the fridge and eat it then got ready. I ran upstairs to change and text Kaylee and Faith.

Me: Hey we should hang out

Faith: Ya

Kaylee: What do you have planned?

Me: I was thinking maybe bowling and pizza?

Kaylee: Okay J

Faith: Finally girls day! Whoop Whoop!

Me: All right and I'll be the ride this time so be ready in the next fifteen minutes.

With that I throw my phone on my bed and slide on some pants and a plain white shirt. I grab my phone and keys and head to pick up the girls. When I get in the car Michaels CD is playing. I smile to myself and head to pick up the girls.

When I picked both of them up we head to the bowling alley. There we get our shoes and balls.

"So how are?" Faith asks.

"I'm good, we skyped last night." I said smiling.

"And?" Kaylee said hungry for more info.

"And he told me he was having an amazing time." I smiled then thought about how we can't mention I'm his girlfriend.

"What?" Faith asked.

"There's one thing we can't mention anything about me being his girlfriend on social media."

"What the hell! Why?" Kaylee asked confused and a bit angry.

"Something about more girls will like them as long as they're single."

"Well that's shit." Faith said.

"Ya well I can't do anything to change it so I'm going to except it."

For the rest of the time we made small talk and laughed our asses off because honestly we all suck at bowling. Kaylee won and wouldn't let us live it down.

That night I lay in bed late starring at the ceiling and debating weather or not to call Michael. My eyes decide for me and they shut.

(Alright so the chapters are all going to be a month apart or every time Emmily and Michael skype with the exception of some conversations between Emmily, faith, and Kaylee thank you, you guys for bing with me threw writing this :))

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