Chapter 14

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The next 2 weeks went by as we exchanged kisses in the hallways and watching him practice. I eventually started to fall for him. I think I might be falling in love him. But I'm not sure or am I? Today after practice he drove me home and we pulled up into my drive way and as usual it was empty no one was home. I un-click my seat belt and he takes my hand in his and looks at me.

"Hey how about we do something this weekend."

"Like what?" I questioned

"I don't know maybe another movie and dinner?"

"Sure I have nothing really to do this weekend except some homework."

"Okay so I'll pick you up around 6 ish."

"Sounds good to me." I said as I leaned into kiss him.

He kissed me back and as our lips collided something ignited in me cause this was no hallway kiss. He cupped my face almost begging for more and I can't lie I wanted more too. I crawled across the middle console so I was sitting on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he adjusted. It is amazing but it just isn't quite full filling what I felt and by the way he presses my body against his till you couldn't fit a needle between us I knew he felt the same. I started moving my hips along his legs and moaned softly into the kiss.

"God women could you be any more amazing?" He said well kissing down my neck. I moaned and straighten by back and I hit his groans and he let out a moan and grabs the back of my thighs, "If you don't stop that I'm going to go crazy" he said letting another moan escape his lips. I had an idea and since no one was home I whispered in his ear "Then come up to my room." I winked and got off his lap and back into my seat, grabbed my bag and went into my house and ran up the stairs and no more then a minute later I hear him shut the door behind me. I can't believe I'm doing this. I instantly get butterflies in my stomach as he walks through my door.

"When did you get so rebellious?" He says seductively. He grabs me in his arms and kisses me rough and we fall back onto my bed him sitting on the edge of my bed and my legs on either sides of him. I pull his jacket off and grab the hem of his shirt to try and pull it off which I eventually achieve. His hands are all over me grabbing my thighs and breast. He reaches for the hem of my shirt and pulls it off. I feel so bare as his eyes examine my chest. He smiles at me and kisses me softly. He places a hand over my scarred hip and says, "never again promise me" "never again" I whisper against his lips. I peck him on his mouth and kiss his cheek and kiss him down his neck and his chest. My hand reaches for his zipper and shakily unzips and unbuttons his jeans. I pull his jeans off a there I stare as he was not expecting to be doing this, this morning when he put his tmnt boxers on I giggled. He looked down and blushed as he realized what I was giggling about. He then looked up at me and said, "Well let's see if you were prepared for this" as he switched our positions. He kissed me deep well unbuttoning my jeans and I tried to remember what underwear I put on. As he was trying to pull my jeans off I saw a hint of pink and thanked god that I didn't do laundry this week so I had to wear my pink lacy undies. "Well I guess you did come prepared" He said with a wink. He leans over my body about to unsnap my bra when the front door opens and closes. I can't move until I hear my mom yell "Emmily! I am home and whose car is outside?"

"Shit" I whisper and look at Mikeys face that has scared shitless written all over it. I pushed him out of the way pulled my pants up and grabbed my shirt. I threw his clothes at him and said, "Hurry put your clothes back on and grab stuff out of my back pack and make it look like we were studying incase she comes up here."

"But what am I suppose to do with" he said looking down. I shrugged and pointed to the bathroom.

"You have to be kidding me I was so close to having you and know I have to relieve myself in girlfriends bathroom." He said sarcastically and I giggled and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arm around my waist and said, "You aren't helping. I am never going to be able to close my eyes and not see you in those pink undies."

"Oh shut up" I said and walked away and he smacked my ass and winked at me. I walked down stairs to the kitchen where my mom was eating a yogurt and asked.

"Why are you home so early?"

"I got a few hours off so I decided to come home. Whose car is outside?"

"Oh Mikeys we are just studying for a test." I said taking some fruit and walking back up the stairs. I heard her holler from the kitchen "That's not what your hair is saying but whatever just don't 'study' to hard."

"Oh my gosh mom it was so not like that!" I shouted back. I got to my door and Mikey was looking at some papers when my mom shouted "All I know is I'm to young to be a grand parent Michael." At his name he stared at me I said, "Oh god just ignore her." I closed the door and lay down on my bed beside him. He looked in my eyes and said "You are so good damn beautiful." "Whatever." I said excusing it and closing my eyes and cuddling up to him I started to drift off but just before I did I heard him whisper, "you're so beautiful and I think I love you."

When I wake up he isn't there but there is a note on my nightstand. I look at the clock and it's 7:30. I read the note and it says 'hey beautiful I had to go sorry but remember tomorrow 6ish you are all mine Xx Michael'.

(A/N: yall thought she was going to get some lol sorry ;) but remeber to vote comment and follow :) love you guysXx)

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