Chapter 26

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When Ashton left I cried into my pillow some more and decided to text Mikey:

Me: Hey Ashton just came by

Mikey: I'm sorry Emmily. I love you only you. You have to believe me.

Me: If you want to talk to me about this we are doing it in person. We are not going to fight over texting. I just texted you cause Ashton told me to.

Mikey: But it's the truth it wasn't my fault.

I threw my phone across the room cause I know it wasn't his fault but it was so frustrating. I bawled up in my bed and stared at the ceiling not being able to cry anymore. I didn't know how long I was staring at the ceiling when a knock on my window startled me. I got up to see what it was and when I opened my curtains Michael was there on the roof. He mouthed, "Let me in." I unlocked the window and curled back up into bed.

"Emmily please talk to me." He said begging.

"I don't wanna talk to you." I said into my pillow.

He sat at the end of me bed "You said if we wanted talk about it, we have to do it in person so here I am."

I sat up "She was tall and skinny and pretty and so much better than my. If you wanted to leave me you could have just broke up with me instead of going behind my back." I said looking at him for the first time since he has entered my room. He looks how I feel but I try not to concentrate on him. He scoots closer to me and I inch away from him.

"Goddammit Emmily I love you. It wasn't my fault what more do you want!" He shouted at me.

"I want you to look at me like you looked at her! You looked at her like she was a god damn goddess!"

"No I wasn't Emm! I love you! I wouldn't look at her like that she's just a skank."

"A skank that you have fucked countless times!" I shout back pacing across my room.

"Are you jealous?" He said with an amused look in his eyes.

"Fuck yes I'm jealous Michael! You are were MY boyfriend." I yelled. He shoot up when I said were.

"What do you mean were?" He said with panic in his voice.

"I don't know what I mean I'm just so overwhelmed." I said. He walked over to me and took my hand and put his other hand on the back of my neck. He put his forehead against mine and I brought my hands around the back of his neck. He looked down at me and whispered, "I love you so damn much I'm scared so scared to lose you."

"I'm scared to lose you too." I whisper. Then our lips collided. It was only 3 days but I missed the taste of he's kiss. We parted, our foreheads still touching and he just smiled down at me. I smiled at him too and hugged him and we stood there for what felt like forever in each other's arms. Then he spoke "I can't lose you." And held me tighter.

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