Chapter 19

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That night I put some blue jean skinnies on that had a hole in the left knee and a plain black t-shirt. I wore my all black high top converse. As I was getting ready I looked down at my phone and decided to text Mikey.

Me: Hey Mikey are you alright?

I sent it then a message from Kaylee popped up saying she was here so I grabbed my wallet and headed out the door.

I got into her car and was greeted by a smile from Kaylee and faith.

"So where have you been hiding?" Faith said

"Well I went on a date with Mikey yesterday."

"Oooo what happened? Where'd ya go?" Kaylee said well pulling away from my house and towards the Cinemas.

"Well we were going to go watch a movie and then go eat but the movies were sold out so we just went to the arcade."

"What do you mean just went to the arcade?"

"I mean we went to the arcade" I trailed off "and then I had a panic attack and passed out. But, he took care of me and then a group of jocks walked by and said some stuff and then Mikey may or may not have punched one of them in the face."

"What!? Mikey punched one of them?"

"Ya then he spent the night and I kind of told him about my biological father." I kind of whispered. They both looked at me and stayed quite till we pulled up to the Cinemas. We sat in silence till faith spoke up from the back "I'm glad you told him and I'm glad he makes you happy."

She shocked me cause she was the one who warned me the most about him. We all got out of the car and shock out our moment. We looked at what movies were showing and "Amnesia" started playing out of my phone. I smiled answering it already knowing who it was. I took my phone out of my pocket and answered it.


"Hello babe." Michael said laughing.

"Where have you been?"

"Oh I've been at ash's with Luke and Calum sorry I didn't text when I said I was."

"It's all right as long as you're alright."

"Where are you right now?" He questioned.

"I'm outside the movies with Kaylee and Faith."

"Oh you guys should come over."

"Right now? All three of us?" I asked and Faith and Kaylee looked at me questioningly.

"Ya I'll text you his address."

"Okay see you in a few."

"Okay love you." He said and you can hear the guys on the other end making gaging noises.

I laughed, "Love you too." I hung up and walked to Kaylee and Faith smiling like idiots.

"What the hell are you guys smiling about?"

They look at each other and giggle and mock me "Love you too."

"Oh gosh I hate you guys." I said laughing, "but Mikey asked if we wanted to go over to Ashtons?"

"Ashton? As in Ashton Irwin?" Faith piped up.

"Yes Faith as in your ash and Calum and Luke will also be there if you wanna ditch the whole movie thing."

"If Calum is there I wanna be there." Kaylee said.

"Okay well Mikey just texted me his address so we can go." And with that we pilled back into Kaylee's car.


I Knock on Ashtons door and Ash answers me and envelops me in a hug

"Long time no see Emm." He said laughing.

"Ya ash cause it's Sunday and I just saw you Friday before school so long." I said sarcastically.

"I'm trying to be nice here." He said releasing me.

I looked behind me and said "Oh ash this is Kaylee and this is faith."

"Oh Faith as in the one that drew that sketch in the art room?"

"Ya" she said shyly blushing cause he noticed her.

"Your work is amazing no wonder Mrs. Smithson has it framed."

"Thank you." She said looking up at him.

We walked in and Ashton led us to the living room where Luke, Calum, and Mikey were playing Fifa. Mikey looked up and saw us and paused the game. Luke and Calum whined about it. Mikey came and gave me a hug. I hugged him back putting my face in the crock of his neck. We held the hug for what felt like forever and I loved it till the boys started making gaging noises. Mikey turned to them "Shut the hell up."

"Make us." Luke said.

"Shut up Hemmings." Mikey said.

I noticed that Kaylee and Faith were behind me and said, "Luke Calum this is Faith and Kaylee." They waved and Faith went and sat next to Ashton on the couch. Kaylee went and sat next to faith.

"Hey do you wanna play with us since lover boy probably won't play with us again." Calum said to Kaylee.

"Sure but I don't know how." Kaylee said.

"Oh well I'll teach you." He said with a smirk.

Kaylee went sat next to Calum on the floor and he started to show her some of the buttons. Mikey took my hand and dragged me to the couch opposite the one Ashton and Faith were sitting. He sat down and I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. He put a hand on my thigh and laid my hand on his. We sat there as I criss crossed my legs and watched Ashton and Faith talk about art. She had seem to forget her crush on him cause she looked so comfortable around him. They got up and walked to his room so he could show her his sketchbook. When they left I listened in on what Calum and Kaylee were talking about. They were talking about soccer and him being pretty good and some big teams were looking at him it cause being his senior year. He was describing the positions to Kaylee and Kaylee being non-athletic had never been to a soccer game in her life so she had no idea what he was talking about. So Calum had taken her outside to show her and Luke tagged along. It was now just Mikey and me.

"So how's your day been?" He asked.

"Lazy since you left this morning I kind of just laid in bed all day till Kaylee texted me. How was yours?"

"Well my parents thought I was here and just wanted to check on me so then I came 'back' over here and we've just been hanging around since Ashton's mom took his little siblings to some practices they had."

"Cool." I said just wanting to sit in silence with him. He kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him and he kissed my lips slowly then hungrily. I put my legs on either side of him and sat on his lap. He put his hands on my lower back and I arched my back to deepen the kiss and tugged on his blue fluffy hair and he moaned into the kiss. He parted and kissed down my neck I moaned and I felt his member get hard.

I whispered in his ear, "We can't do this not here on Ashtons couch and not now." He huffed and I stayed on his lap pecking his lips.

"You are such a tease you know that?" Ha said.

"You want a tease I'll show you a tease." I said kissing him and palmed him through his pants he moaned deeper the harder I palmed him. He took my hand away from his crotch "If you don't stop I'm going to cum." I stopped and kissed him and Calum, Kaylee, and Luke walked in. Calum threw a pillow at us and said, "Get a room." I looked at Mikey as he had panic written all over his face with is member still a little perky. I giggled at him and he glared at me and got up trying to cover the bulge with his jacket on his way to the restroom.

The night went by and before I knew it, it was 9 and Kaylee, Faith, and I had to leave. We all said our good byes to the boys and got in the car.

On the way home Kaylee and Faith were talking about how amazing Calum and Ashton were. I was tired and thinking about Mikey I hardly heard anything they had said. They dropped me off at my house and left. So as soon as I got to my bed I was asleep.

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