Chapter 9

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We sat down in middle of the theater and we still had a few minutes to the movie started. So he continued to ask me questions.

"Do you play sports?"

"Not really I'm a more of a read a book kind of girl."

"Oh cool me to I mean I don't like reading and I play a little of soccer but I play video games."

"Oh cool." I said with a smile I figured he was gamer. The movie started and I kept looking over at Michael. I missed something funny about the movie cause he laughed. He has the cutest laugh. So I paid attention to the movie, actually I just looked at the screen without paying attention to the movie but thinking about what could happen after or even during the movie. Would he kiss me again? Oh god I hope he kisses me again. I shiver when he wraps his arm around me and I lean onto his shoulder and close my eyes.

Mikey wakes me up and we are the only people in the theater. I guess I fell asleep during the movie.

"Emmily wake up." He whispered as he shook me.

"I'm up I'm up. Sorry did I fall asleep?"

"Fall asleep? That's an understatement you passed out."


"It's alright."

We walked out of the movie theater. He grabbed my hand as we walked to his car. We get in the car and the music starts and he turns it down and starts to ask more questions.

"First boyfriend?"

"Oh I guess in like first grade some kid named Harry."

"Cool cool well I've never had a boyfriend" he said and I giggled

"But what about a girlfriend?"

"Oh well those I've had a lot of" he said with a disappointed look on his face and then smiled "well the first one was a lucky girl, actually she was my best friend her name was Daisy. She was my girlfriend in like Pre School throw 3rd grade." He smiled at the memory. "In 3rd grade she said her mom said we have to be just friends. So we were. She was my best friend till 8th grade." He had a straight face so I considered not asking my question but I asked him anyways.

"What happened in 8th grade?"

"Well we were hanging out at my place playing video games like we normally did but when she left she said good bye. Normally she'll say see ya later or something. It just didn't feel right. Then she kissed me on my lips and walked away. I lay in bed that night thinking about what that kiss could have meant. Then my mom came into my room crying at 3 in the morning and said that Daisy had killed herself. And in that moment I realized my poor little flower couldn't take the world anymore and wilted." He had tears going down his cheeks and I felt bad for asking so I just looked at my hands and whispered,

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be it's all right." He tried to smile. We pulled up next to my house and I sat and looked at it. I didn't want to go home.

"Hey how about let's not stop this date just yet and go hang out at the park?"

"Ya okay sounds fun." He said smiling

So we get to the park and we sit on the bench. I cross my legs when I sit down.

"So Michael if you don't mind can I hear more this Daisy friend?" He looked a little sad but excited to talk about her like he hasn't been able to talk about her these last few years.

"Ya sure what do you want to know?"

"Everything you want to tell my about her." So we sit there looking at the sky and I lean my head on his shoulder listening to him talk about shortly after Daisy broke up with him in 3rd grade Luke was her new boyfriend. He started to talk about how he hated Luke after that. He had grabbed my hand and entwined our fingers as he told me her favorite color was blue because the last thing her father gave her before he left Daisy and her mom was a blue sweater. He told me how they use to play video games and he would always let her win. He played with my fingers as he told me that her dad was a drunk and didn't work to support the family and would occasionally hit Daisy. He told me how much he wish she could have helped her and only if he knew what she was planning to do that night he could have saved her.

"I swear Emmily if I knew that she was going to kill herself I would have saved her I would." He was crying at this point and I hugged him and he laid his head on my shoulder.

"I know you would have Michael I know because you are an amazing person." I said well holding his face in my hands. "You are a marvelous person okay I know you would have saved her if you knew." He was so cute and he's lips were so plump, no stop it Emmily you have to comfort him not think about how attractive he is even with those eyes, stop it. We lay on the bench our hands entwined just looking up at the starts wondering what was above us. The night was full of stars tonight and I loved it. We tried counting the stars but quite when we got 89 when I saw something fly across the sky.

"85...86...87...88...89... What was that did you see it Michael?"

"Ya I think it was a shooting star!"

"Hurry Mikey make a wish!"

"Okay hold on." He sat there and closed his eyes and then opened them.

"What did you wish for?"

"Did you call me Mikey? And I can't tell you or else it won't come true."

"Well if I guess it right will you tell me?"


"Okay was it to get noticed by a record label?"


"Was it an endless supply of food?"

"No but I wish I had thought of that."

"Well what did you wish for?" And at that moment he looked at me and creased his hand around my check and kissed me soft and slow at first molding his lips to mine and then kissed my deeper and harder and soon we were both out of breath so he parted the kiss but I don't know what got in me but I wanted more so I straddled him with my legs on both sides of him. I sit on his lap with my arms around his neck and his hands on the back of my thighs and he sucks a little on my neck and I kiss him deep and I moan on accident and he moans a little too and I feel the vibration in my throat. We part gasping for air and I rest my head on his chest and he says, "Wish granted!" I smile on his chest and get off his lap but he stops me so we sit there for a little me on his lap smiling like an idiot.

"Okay Michael as much as I enjoy this and I do, I need to get home."

"Shh. Just listen."

"To what? There's nothing to listen to."

"Exactly no crap and no people. I like it."

"I like it to but I need to get home."

"Okay let's go." I get off his lap and he follows holding my hand. We get in the car and start home.

AN: Hey you guys!!! So todays question is... Favorite color and why? :) do you like the story ??? What about Daisy?? I was questioning if i should add Daisy but it felt right to add her and she hits home for me so ya hope you guys are liking the story and the story line!!!!!

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