𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1 - 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡.

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"Sunbae-nim!" I called him through the hallway as I tried catching my breath, after running in the whole hospital.

"Oh, Dr. Kim ..." he softly smiled at me, as he eyed me up and down "What's going on?"

"Hum...I'm..." I tried smiling as I had difficulties catching my breath "I heard you were with Dr. Jeon not long ago, so I ran all the way here to ask you where he was, please."

"Oh," he looked at me "We...he—" I cut him off

"Wait." I stood straight and put my hands in my white coat "When is the meeting with President Jeon."

"Hum, I don't know." He scratched the back of his neck "Dr. Jeon is in the staff room, you should go there and ask him."

"Ah okay." I said "See you later Dr. Park." I speed walked toward the elevator and pressed the button of the floor where the staff room is.

I waited a little bit in the elevator, with the little awkward music in the background. I couldn't stop checking my phone. It's not like someone was gonna text me anyways and I don't even have friend, even though I'm working as a GS (general surgeon). We don't have much GS here, but I'm not friends with my other colleagues either. It's kinda lame, I know, but I don't know how to talk to people.

As I was in my thought, I finally arrived on the 6th floor and walked toward the staff room. The more I was getting closer, the more I was getting nervous.

I peeped through the small window and saw him sitting on the chair, his glasses on his nose and reading a book while sipping on a banana milk.

I walked in the room and closed the door behind me. "Sunbae-nim?" I said

"Ah, Dr. Kim," he looked at me "Stop calling me sunbae-nim, just call me sunbae or Jungkook." He winked

(Sunbae-nim is very very formal way to call your colleagues at work, sunbae is still formal, but less than sunbae-nim.)

"Okay then," I fidgeted with my fingers "Sunbae?"

"Yes?" He softly sighed "What is it?" He put his glasses on the table and looked at me.

"I saw Mr. Park in the hallway and asked him about the weekly meeting with your fath-" I cut myself off realizing what I was about to say, that we don't really mention at work "I mean...Chairman Jeon." I blushed

"It's in 10 minutes. Do you wanna go together?" He continued reading the book he was reading

"Uh, me?" I pointed at myself, like the dumb woman that I am.

"Dr. Kim." He looked at me with a stern look

"Sorry..." I nervously chuckled "I am just a little bit nervous, I have an ES (emergency surgery)"

"Me too, but on the patient with the intestinal infection. I have to remove some parts of his intestines." He looked at me

"Oh, that sounds okay." I smiled

"Yeah, it'll be quick, but we still got to be careful though." He smiled at me "it will take at least 2 hours."

"Oh, I have a NS after our meeting with the President." I cracked my neck "It will take at least 13 hours. I have to remove a tumor in the patient's brain." I sighed

"Aren't you a GS ?" He asked with widened eyes

"I have three licenses." I said dumbfounded "I thought you knew..."

"Three?! I never knew that!" He said surprised "What area are you specialized in?"

"GS (general surgeon), CS (cardiothoracic surgeon) and NS (neurosurgeon)" I simply answered

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