𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 23 - 𝐻𝑖𝑑𝑒

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You awake ? c:

He sent me this message thirty-five minutes ago. I was still asleep, but managed to rub off the sleep in my eyes.

I am now :), how are you?

I'm a bit tired, but those were the longest 30 minutes I waited. How about you?

I feel like throwing up :/

I'm coming over.

You don't have to! :c

I'm coming.

I sighed, trying to hide the satisfaction. That wasn't my attention, but having Jungkook next to me is still the best. I'm not going to refuse seeing my boyfriend that I like so much. His attention is still the best and if he's willing to come over here then I'm stopping him from doing what he wants.

"Yah. Y/n-ah!" I completely forgot that Ju Kyung slept over to watch over Minie. "Get your ass down here!"

A moan left my mouth as I stretched my body. It was feeling so good that it just had to come out. I didn't bother to look at my face, but directly headed out of my room and went downstairs. "Hey..."My whole body was tired, my voice didn't even come out the way I excepted it to.

"I didn't even know you were home!" She exclaimed loudly, as I thought she would. "How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?"

"I'm feeling like shit and I didn't even drink, I keep throwing up. I threw up yesterday too and I feel so fucking bad." I rub my forehead. "What about you? Was it okay with Min Junie?"

"Of course. He's an angel." She sweetly smiled. "He woke up and ate breakfast, but fell asleep again."

Not surprised about this, I nodded and sat down next to her. "I'm craving hot chocolate, I'm just scared to throw it up." I chuckled, finding the situation funny. I couldn't even eat something without feeling sick.

"You're a doctor but you're not even taking care of yourself. Go to the hospital." She complained, knowing how I am about my health.

"I'll go, but I'm so busy I don't have time."

"It's fine." She pursed her lips.

"Jungkook is coming by the way." She frowned as she turned around after hearing what I said. "When I told him I didn't feel well, he said he'd come over." I laughed at her confused expression.

"Please wait till I go before fucking in every corner of the...house?"

"We don't fuck all the time, damn." I blushed, feeling shy about this subject.

"Yes you do. I'm surprised you aren't pregnant yet." She joked, but her smile suddenly faded. "Y/n don't tell me that—!"

"What?" I panicked, as I saw her expression drastically change.

"You said that you kept throwing up in the morning, you felt dizzy and when you'd smell food, you would get sick too. Did you even see your period lately?"

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