𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 27 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑒

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"I'm not stealing Jungkook, he's my boyfriend." I chuckled at Min Jun's behavior.

"No, he's my boyfwiend." He pouted and pulled on Jungkook's arm.

"Stop fighting over me, you both are my babies." Jungkook joked with Min Jun but gave him a hug then a kiss on the forehead.

I crossed my arms but felt slightly hurt that Min Jun would get more attention than I could. I couldn't believe he succeeded in stealing my man's attention. "I'm hungry again..."

"Didn't you eat it?" He turned his head to look at me as he put his glasses.

"I did, but I got interrupted and had to go to the lobby and now I'm hungry." I felt down about not being able to finish my meal, this was all a waste a of food.

As I was telling about my day to Jungkook while he also told me about his, Min Jun joined our conversation and told us what he did. I remembered to tell about the things Min Jun told me, but I thought that telling him after work would be better and when Min Jun is not next to us.

The door opened, revealing Jimin and Taehyung. They came with some bags in their hands, getting my attention. "Don't you have appointments with your patients?"

"Not now, I have a surgery in a few hours so I took the day off just to review some things about the surgery." Jimin explained.

I nodded and listened to Taehyung. "For me, I have like three appointments left then I have to prepare for a surgery in two days so I have time. But my shift ends when my last patient leaves." He shrugged.

"Okay, that's pretty chill." I thought about it but these past weeks have been pretty calm, there weren't much ER patient and I only performed two surgeries this month so it was positive for me.

"By the way, we packed the rest of your food, because we thought you might want to eat it later." Jimin sweetly smiled at me.

With a burst of joy I stood and hugged him tightly as I thought about my now empty belly. "I love you so much right now." He returned the hug and chuckled at my behavior.

I let go of him and took one of the bag to start eating the rest of food I left before. It was still warm for me. "Oh I didn't even pay attention. Min Jun is here." Taehyung squeezed my baby's cheeks.

"Hello~" He waved his small hand and smiled, showing his little dimples that he got from me.

"This fuck— His das thought it was okay to drop him off here." I explained shortly as I saw Jimin's confused expression.

"Be careful about the words you choose around Min Junie baby." Jungkook slightly squeezed my thigh as he lowly whispered in my ear, flustering me.

I didn't say anything but stuffed my mouth with the delicious food from the cafeteria. "Don't choke." Jimin chuckled, but instantly made me choke.

I kept coughing the food out of my throat and looked at him. "Fuck you-" I turned to look at Min Jun. "baby, you didn't hear this alright?"

"I didn't hear anything mama." He put his hands on his ears and closed his eyes.

"Look what you're teaching to my baby." Taehyung said as he took Min Jun in his arms. "Don't listen to your stupid mother alright?" Min Jun nodded, baffling me.

I gasped. "Look what you're saying to my son!" I tried not laughing. "Jungkook tell your friend he needs to stop."

"He's my Hyung, I can't do anything." Jungkook laughed, clearly amused by this.

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