𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 30 - 𝐹𝑖𝑥

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"I don't think that we need to discuss that. It's really private and they should sort out their own problems. When everything is clear, they'll probably reach out to us and update us, but we're in no place to get in between their business. We shouldn't overstep the boundaries." Ju Kyung explains to the rest of the boys.

"Is it that bad?" Yoongi asks

"I mean, yeah we said we won't hide shit, but I don't think she'd be okay with me telling you all right now, they'll explain to you later." I said. "And like it's none of our business, for real. And she was a bit drunk so it's not helping." 

"Why did she mention you though?" Hoseok looked at Taehyung.

"I'm tired." He ignored his friend's question and yawned, lying down on the couch and resting his head on the arm rest. 

"You guys are so nosy." I complained.

"You all doing everything in front of our nose and you really think we won't get nosy?" Hoseok shook his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, I get it but y'all need to read between the lines." Ju Kung added.

"They're right." Jungkook nodded.

"You only said that because you're one of them." Jin slapped his arm playfully .

"Leave my man alone." I hugged Jungkook's arm, but playfully smiled at Jin.

"No but like we were supposed to watch a movie guys?" Yoongi yawned, spreading his legs on the couch.

"Yeah, you're saying that, but you'll be the first one to fall asleep." Namjoon scoffed. "I know a good movie we could watch on Netflix."

"We should try once to go the movies all together." Jin added, clapping his hands in excitement. "And then y'all could come over and I'll cook a good warm meal for all of us."

"That sounds amazing." Ju Kyung gave him a thumb up and high fives him. "If you actually consider me as a friend, you'd cook a good plate of pasta for me." She knew how to get what she wanted.

"Yes, let's eat something else than Korean food." Jimin smiled.

"I'm going upstairs, I don't feel really good." I hold my stomach, knowing I was about to throw up, the talk of food giving me nausea. I didn't want to throw up in the bathroom downstairs.

I made my way upstairs and once I stepped a foot in my room, I closed it silently, still holding back from throwing up. I was tired of throwing up all the time, I sometimes really want to just lie down, sleep and wake up when the baby is ready to come out. While being pregnant with Min Jun, I wasn't bothered like that, I never threw up and never felt sick, just tired.

I hurried to the toilet and let everything come out, luckily my hair were already tied together. Everything I ate before came out of my mouth, smelling bad and looking disgusting. My throat was irritated from all the vomit and I tears were starting to roll down my cheeks.

I heard the door open but didn't turn around, already knowing it was Jungkook. He came behind me and rubbed my back soothingly. "I'm here baby." 

I coughed, trying to clear my throat. I waited a bit, not sure if it was still going to come out or not. I flushed the toilet and tried standing up with the help of Jungkook. I rinsed my mouth with water and brushed my teeth, feeling disgusted by the taste and scent of vomit. "Are you alright?" He unsurely asked, but still tried to know.

"I threw up and you ask me if I'm okay, seriously Jungkook." I can't even say it's his fault, I was the one who changed pills at the wrong time, and he didn't really know that. 

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