𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 16 - 𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑁𝑒𝑤

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"With whom?" She coughed and widened her eyes, making my smirk grow wider.

"With Taehyung." I insisted. "There is something going on, right?"

"There is nothing going on between me and Taehyung." I knew she was lying, because back at work I bombarded Taehyung with questions and he was avoiding them too.

"I know I should mind my business, but you're my best friend so I won't." I added on. "You don't have to, but you know how I am. I'm really curious so please spare me a sleepless night." I excitedly said.


"Just spill it!" I exclaimed, getting impatient, but chuckling at her reaction.

"He asked me out on a date, he said he found me really interesting and thought I was a pretty woman. We went to an amusement park and had a lot of fun." She cleared her throat. "I asked if he wanted to eat ramyeon." She blurted out.

(In Korea, asking someone to have ramyeon with them at night at their place, it's like asking to have sex)

"Mwo?! (What)" I turned around, directly facing her. "You what?!" I laughed.

"I...asked him if he wanted to eat ramyeon...with me." She looked down and his her face with her hands. "I don't know why I did that, it just suddenly came out of my mouth."

"What did he say?" I kept crazily laughing about this awkward situation, making fun of her right in her face.

"It was silent for a moment. The silence was so loud that it was bothering, but the he said that he had to go and said thank you for going on a date with him." She hit her forehead. "I'm so fucking dumb, what kind of girl would tell that to a guy for a first date!"

"I mean..." I wiped my tears away. "It's okay. It happens." I snorted.

"Shut up, I hate you all." She whined, but turned my chair around making me face the mirror. "I couldn't get myself to text him. I just could not do it."

"I'm sure he was flustered, but that doesn't mean you should not text him. It can be that he waited for your message." I calmed down and tried helping her in this situation. "I think he just walked away because he was startled and flustered, that just shows he is not a fuckboy who just wants you for your body and then leave you."

"You're right. I never thought about this. I should try to text him later, but I'll give it some thought. It's still embarrassing."

"I'm dead." I wheezed.

"Stop it." She smacked my shoulder, making it sting but not enough to stop me from laughing. "I don't know why the fuck I said that."

"I never thought you'd say something like that to him." I held my belly, I couldn't stop laughing. It was too hilarious.

"Be careful, I have my hands on your hair..." She playfully warned me. I knew she was capable of doing something bad, with my precious hair.

"It took me years to grow them, so don't you dare." I chuckled.

"Let's get started baby." She gently smiled and began working on my head.

The best part was the massage. When she would run the arm water through my hair, put the shampoo, rub it and gently massage my scalp with the tip of her fingers. I loved it. She knew how to do it right, I should ask Jungkook to do that sometimes. It will help me relieve my stress.

"I already put the bleach. I'm going to let it rest for about 30 minutes, then I'm going to begin with the color." She looked at me through the mirror and softly smiled at me. I simply nodded and went on my phone, checking my notifications and social media, seeing I got some likes on a recent picture I posted.

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