𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 36 - 𝑊𝑖𝑠ℎ

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Jungkook and I exchanged glances, not really knowing what to answer even though the answer was obvious, we did not think about it. It did not even cross my mind at the moment. "Hum, not really?" It did sound unsure, but it wasn't the most important thing in our life right now.

It was important, but not the top priority, and honestly that was the last thing I had in my mind right now. "I understand, you two must be busy. You'll think about it later." She smiled at the two of us.

Two women arrived with rolling trays and platters full of food. The aroma was intoxicating, and the amount of saliva made in my mouth was insane. I hadn't eaten anything at home because I knew I had to come here, so I was thinking about it.

"Here it is." As she placed the plate of food in front of me, the woman next to me said. "This is rice with pork cutlet and its special sauce, with another plate of creamy pasta on the side and some grilled steak and tartar over here" Before leaving, she gave me a beautiful smile and bowed.

"It looks so tasty," I looked at Jungkook's parents. "Thank you for inviting me." I bowed my head slightly.

"Thank you for coming, the two of you. Now let's enjoy the meal."

...1 hour later

Jungkook's brother had finally joined us with his fiancé. It was awkward at first, because I had never seen him, but as we talked and drank more, we eventually became comfortable with each other and were able to have diverse conversations.

Na Ri, his fiancée. She didn't say much and looked shy, but she did join in the conversation, which was great. Everyone was incredibly friendly, and I had a great day and felt like part of their lovely family.

"How's work Jungkook?" His brother asked him, a little smile on his face. They had similar features, which was amazing to me.

"It's going well. I feel like I overworked a little," I looked at him, worried. "But other than that, I still love working at the hospital." He took a sip of water. "What about you, Hyung?"

"My law firm is doing well, and we've won a number of cases, so we're getting a lot of attention. The feedback has been positive." As he spoke about what he had worked so hard for, he grinned and his eyes shone. He slowly took a sip of his white wine and briefly licked the taste off his lips.

"When are you going to give me grandkids?" Jungkook's father seriously looked at his other daughter-in-law

"We already discussed this Dad." His brother put his fork on the table and his mood suddenly changed. "She's not ready for kids–"

"It's been six years." Mr. Jeon sighed, tired of the situation. "I need heirs for everything I have. You and your brother won't manage everything and on top of that, I need grandkids. I am not going to keep waiting and approve of your wedding, if it's going to lead to nothing." He sternly said. "My son wants kids, but because you're so obsessed with yourself, you are depriving my son to have his own kids. Do you know it was always his dream, to have a family?"

"Mr. Jeon, I'm trying. It's not that I want to, but my career is important to me." She sadly looked at him, also like she wanted to cry.

"My son also sacrificed a lot of things for you. And if your career is going so well, you can work after giving birth."

"Dad, we already had this discussion. I don't want to force her." He looked at Jungkook. "Why don't you put the pressure on Jungkook instead?" He let out a knowing smile at Jungkook, so that he doesn't have to take it personally.

"She's already pregnant." His mom pursed her lips as she quietly sat there, just like me.

Yung Sik simply formed a 'O' with his lips and stared at us. I squirmed in my seat as the situation became increasingly awkward. Even though it didn't bother me, I didn't want to be judged for getting pregnant so quickly.

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