𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟 8 - 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙

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...Monday afternoon - GSN Hp.

It's been 3 days since that day at Jungkook's place and I didn't know how I was feeling about everything. Ju Kyung told me about her situation with her current boyfriend and it wasn't going really well. He won't spend time with her or take her out on dates, but he would say that he still likes her and that nothing is wrong. She told me that she talked about it with Taehyung and guess what, he advised her the same way I did, to dump his crusty ass.

"Dr. Kim, are you daydreaming?" Chief Surgeon surprised me in the middle of nowhere, entering my office without asking my permission.

"What are you doing here?" I ignored his useless questions, but answered with another one "I didn't hear you knocking." I fixed my glasses on the bridge of my noses, but didn't break the eye contact with him.

"I'm the chief surgeon, so I can enter whenever I want." He scoffed "Do you think you have some rights, because the Chairman took your side? He just does that, because you're befriended with his son." He mischievously looked at me

"Are you here to pick a fight, when they're patients waiting for you?" I kept signing my paperwork and organizing them "I see that you're not busy, but I am. So if you don't have anything interesting to say, get out of my office." I sarcastically smiled at him

"What? Because you spread your legs to get here, makes you feel like you're someone?" He walked closer to my desk and sternly looked at me with his threatening gaze

"I'm not the one fucking the nurses." I took off my glasses to show me him that I wasn't going to be submissive in front of him and let him disrespect me.

"Dr. Kim!" He gritted his teeth

"Are you scared that I'm going to tell Chairman Jeon?" I stand in front of him "Or are you mad, because I rejected you and you're still mad about it."

"You think I was doing that because I liked you? I just wanted to have sex with you." He nervously chuckled

"You're 20 years older than me and you still act like a damn teenager." I laughed in his face "Are you mad that you can't get it up? Is it that bad? That's why you're getting out your frustration on me and the nurses?" I tried pushing his limit, since he entered my private space when I told him not to.

"Watch your fucking mouth." I didn't see it coming, but only felt a hard and stinging pain on my left cheek, as I felt it becoming hot from the slap I received on the face.

"Y/n—" suddenly, someone entered my office, without knocking, witnessing Chief Surgeon slapping me a second time and pulling my hair back, making look up at him.

"Dr. Bae, what are you doing?" A deep voice and manly one yelled startling the both of us, but relieving me.

"Dr. Kim Namjoon it's none of your business, please get out. I'm disciplining her." His tone suddenly changed to a calmer one as he talked with Namjoon.

"I don't think that slapping and pulling a woman's hair is disciplining her." He came closer to me and helped get up from the floor "If you don't want me to report this to the Chariman, you better apologize to her, right now." Namjoon calmly said

"Are you threatening me?" He scoffed as he ironically laughed at his face

"Yes." Namjoon took my side and dragged me outside of my office

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