𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 35 - 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦

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I was genuinely amazed by the beauty of their property. The villa was huge and just the outside was beautiful. I don't know who designed the house, but it looked absolutely amazing. I didn't want to look dumb, so I stopped myself from getting distracted again.

We arrived in front of what I assumed to be the main door and Jungkook opened it with his fingerprint that he put on the electronic lock device. He pushed the door open and pulled me inside with him. The comfortable temperature of the house comforted me and made me feel somehow welcomed. The satisfying smell of food invaded my nostrils, I was slowly getting hungry.

"Jungkookie~" His mom exclaimed as she hurried toward us and gave the both of us a hug. "Y/n-ah, finally!" She excitedly said, as she offered me her prettiest smile. "I was cooking Jungkook's favorite. I hope you will like it Y/n."

"I eat everything. I'm not complicated." I told her as I smiled back and made myself comfortable as I hung my coat on the coat hanger.

"That's perfect then." She hugged Jungkook again and pampered him with kisses all over his face, which made laugh because of his shyness around his mother. "I missed you, I barely get to see you anymore because you work so much." She complained and playfully hit his shoulder.

"Yes mom, I'm sorry." He chuckled and lovely looked at her. That was the cutest interaction ever.

I took the bag of wine and champagne that I brought and handed it to her. "That's for you. I didn't know what you would like so I added some Swiss white chocolate with it. It's my favorite one, I hope you will like it." I respectfully gave it to her, feeling anxious about her reaction.

She looked inside the bag and widened her eyes before looking at me again. "That's one of my favorite wine and champagne brand Y/n." She took the bottle in her hand and sincerely smiled. "Thank you so much. I love it, it's amazing." She hugged and I chuckled, still loving the hug she gave me.

"Mom stop suffocating her." He tried pulling her mom away from me.

"Fuck off, that's my daughter-in-law." She slapped his arm away. "Sorry for my language, I don't like pretending to be so classy and elegant, that just isn't me."

"I am happy that you feel comfortable enough to cuss around me." I joked and followed her as she lead us to another place of the house.

"Honey, Jungkook and Y/n are here." She kissed Mr. Jeon on the cheek and pulled him. "Look she's so pretty." She squealed.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Hyu Sik, Jungkook's father." He lightly bowed as I bowed too and shook my hand as he offered me a smile. "Now that we're not at work, you can address me comfortably, I don't mind."

I nodded and lightly smiled, not knowing what to say. "Let's open that bottle of wine you bought for me. Jungkook's older brother is going to come with his fiancé today."

"Is Hyung really coming or is he just saying and not doing it again?"

"No, your brother is going to come with his fiancé." My mom said excitedly. "The maids helped me cook everything, so we're just going to wait a little and get ourselves some appetizers. I hope your brother is going to be there soon."

"Let's take a seat, I'm tired of staying put on the same spot for years. " Jungkook's dad headed to the chair that was at the top of the table and sat there, while his wife sat on his right and Jungkook sat in front of his mother. I sat next to him and waited patiently.

"It has a good smell." I spoke to him in low voices. "I can't wait to eat everything." He softly placed his hand on my thigh and gently stroked his hand up and down, the warmth of his palm comforting me. 

"Don't worry, we'll eat soon. My mother is an excellent cook." He squeezed my thigh and moved in closer to me. "I missed you." He whispered it in my ear and smiled at me, making me melt. I did miss him too and being close like that was my favorite thing.

"So, Y/n, tell me a little more about yourself." Her mother rested comfortably in the chair, sipping her white wine and eating on some freshly baked bread. "I'd like to learn more about you because you look quite interesting." She gave a kind smile. "Say something, honey."

"I'm interested in hearing what she has to say." He chuckled at her enthusiastic attitude. "I'm not going to ask her a bunch of questions all at once." He kindly looked at me.

"Well as you already know, I work at GSN Hospital and it's been a two years and half. I am originally not from Seoul, but I had to quickly move here for work. I had to take a break from work to take care of my son, but my parents helped me a lot." 

"Oh, you've got a kid?" His mother's eyes glistened, and she straightened her back with a little smile on her lips. 

"Yes, I do. He's three years old, and he'll be four next year." While thinking about my adorable baby, I grinned. "He cares about Jungkook more than he cares about me." I laughed out loud at the thought.

"I appreciate that you already have a child because it means you won't mind having children with Jungkook—" He interrupted her.

"Oh my god, you need to stop with that." He rubbed his hand over his face.

"Jungkook, I'm getting old and need grandkids." She took her words more seriously. "Your brother hasn't had children yet since his fiancée doesn't want to, but I accepted their marriage because I want him to be happy, but we also need descendants for the heritage and everything."

He gently grasped my hand in his and interlaced our fingers together. "I didn't want to say it right now, but Y/n and I agreed to tell you the news together ," He says. He gave me a brief glance before returning his attention to his parents. Due to my anxiety, my hands were sweating. I had no idea how they were going to respond. "She is pregnant. We only recently learnt about it, so it's new to us." 

"No way!" She exclaimed as she put her hands over her mouth in shock. "I expected everything but a pregnancy. I'm so happy!" She excitedly clapped. "How many weeks?"

"Approximately three weeks, possibly longer. I can't really remember." "I said shyly. It was my first time revealing my pregnancy in such a direct manner, but her reaction reassured me. "We don't know the gender yet, but as long as the baby is healthy, I'm fine with anything." I grinned.

"I really wish you have twins at the same time so you'd have two children and then you could have one or two more." Jungkook's father made a half-hearted joke about it. I felt at peace when I saw how thrilled he was with the news. Having twins sounded beautiful, but it was rare. I do want to have more kids with Jungkook though.

"As long as you two are happy together, it's all that matters to me." Mr. Jeon added as he genuinely smiled at me and then at his son. "I'm happy Jungkook finally found the right woman, it's the first time he introduces one to us officially." 

That is nice to know, even though I already knew since his mother mentioned it at the hospital's event.

"I am lucky woman." I widely smiled as I wrapped my arms around his and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"He, too, is a lucky guy. I'm not sure how he managed to seduce such a beautiful and talented woman for himself." His father teased him, but I couldn't help but smile. "I'm not suggesting my son is stupid, but he deserves a lady who will love him for who he is, not because of his parents' wealth. Trust me, I've seen him getting hurt by strange ladies." Mr. Jeon chuckled as he remembered old times. It warmed my heart to see how much he cared for his son. 

I gazed at him with excitement and sincerity in my eyes. I was overjoyed to be with his family, and seeing how wonderfully they handled the news of my pregnancy made me feel even better. I was apprehensive, but everything seemed to be going smoothly. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Jeon, The dinner is almost ready." That was probably one of their employees. She wore all black and had an apron around her waist. "I'm going to bring the plates already," she said politely before returning to the kitchen. 

"Did you guys already thought about some names for the baby?"

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