𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 26 - 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦

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...2 weeks later

Since my appointment with the doctor, some things changed. I felt less sick than before, because I was taking natural medicine such as drinking a specific brand of tea to help me with the nausea and everything. I was still eating way more and throwing up, but the tea helped me.

This was a first for me. When I was pregnant with Min Jun, I didn't have all of this. I had a peaceful pregnancy and wasn't sick. Of course some dizziness and fatigue here and there, but nothing bad. Me and Jungkook wanted to take our time and not stress ourself with all of this.

He was helping me emotionally and physically a lot, I really appreciated that from him. He wasn't complaining for the moment, since it's only the beginning. Jungkook was happy that I was pregnant, he was happy to become a father. We didn't really care about the fact that was really soon to have a baby, but now it was here, we couldn't go back.

Now I was at work, excited because I was going to Jungkook's parents after my shift. I was nervous, but he reassured me that everything was going to be okay and I trust him on that. His mother really liked me last time she met me, so I was looking forward to it.

I finished the medical prescription for my patient. "Don't forget that if you have an insurance, they will cover the costs, since those are only medicines." I printed the prescription and handed it to her, as I put the documents into the file concerning her medical records.

"Thank you so much. I thought I was slowly dying. My husband wouldn't go to the pharmacy because those are expensive." She warmly looked at me.

"It's nothing to thank me about. It's my job." I pursed my lips and finalized the appointment with my patient. She thanked me again and left my office.

I called in the lobby to tell them they could send me the next patient. I waited patiently while answering to Jungkook's text on my phone. Some of my friends too and my mom.

"Hum, hello." I looked up, seeing a man standing in my office. I stood up and greeted him.

"You can come and have seat."

...1 hour and half later

I finally ended the last appointment before lunch, I didn't have any surgeries scheduled for today, so it was going to be an easy day for me. I was hungry, so I hurried downstairs to the cafeteria, almost tripping on my own feet. The smell of food was making my mouth water. There weren't a lot of people, so the queue wasn't long.

"Y/n?" The sudden voice startled me as I was in my own world, thinking about the food I was going to eat.

I turned around and saw Taehyung and Jimin behind me. "Hey guys." I smiled, genuinely happy about seeing them, since we all have busy schedules, we don't really have chances to see each other. "Wanna eat together?"

"Of course, we thought about asking you when we saw you." Jimin smiled, showing me his pretty teeth. "What are you going to eat?"

"Hum, a little bit of everything." I said nonchanlantly, thinking about the different meals.

"I'm going to take the menu of the day, I think it's rice with pork cutlet and sauce." Taehyung said, as he rubbed his belly, probably excited to eat a good meal.

My turn came and I ordered a bit of everything, filling my tray with a lot of different food, earing a few stares here and there from other co-workers. I also took a piece of strawberry cake for dessert and water for the balance.

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