𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 34 - 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟

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"We don't have time for questions, Hoseok." I tried to maintain my cool and concentrate on the important things. "Could you possibly stay in my office with her while I go fetch some things?" I asked him respectfully and then dashed away to go get some stuff, including a SAEK, so she could go report him if she wanted to. As a result, she could have proofs.

I dashed down the hospital's stairwell and approached the nurses behind the reception desk to ask about what I was looking for. When I walked up to them, they gave me a surprised expression. "Hello, Dr. Kim," She says.

I replied, but in a rush. "Could you please bring me an SAEK? Please make it quick." I muttered it quietly enough that no one else could hear me. "And if someone asks, just say nothing and behave as if you had no idea." Before she walked into the storage area behind the reception, she nodded and did as I told her.

I wanted to help my friend, and despite the fact that it would be difficult, I wanted to do it myself. I knew she wouldn't be ashamed if it was me. The nurse then returned with the kit, which she handed to me. I was fortunate that there were only a few doctors there, as all of the patients were either sleeping or occupied with something else. 

She eventually returned with what I had requested and handed it over to me. "All bills should be sent to my e-mail. I'll send the personal informations back," I said, controlling the contents of the box and adding, "deliver the letter to my office or to my home address and don't forget, it's important."

She simply nodded and already started typing on the keyboard, while I rushed back to my office.

...40 minutes later - GSN Hospital

After completing all of the proper processes, I sent Hoseok to the forensic team, with Ju Kyung's permission, so they could investigate everything, including the photos I took, and report the results back to her and me.

I was furious since I was so tense right now. It infuriated me to think that my best friend, my sister, had been harmed. She didn't deserve any of it; she was always there for him and supported him through his struggles, and this is how he expressed his gratitude: by wrecking her. 

I sat next to Ju Kyung and considered several things, tired of this situation. "Once we get the results, what do you want to do?" Because she was cold, I gently took her hand in mine and warmed it. "You have no obligation to do anything you do not wish to do. If you do decide to report him, you'll at least have some proof." She was a bit shaky.

"I don't know, I honestly don't want to cause any problems, but if I decide to pursue legal action, it will be a disaster and really difficult for me. But I also don't want him to injure other women." Her tears streamed down her face. "I'm terrified and confused." 

"We're all going to be there for you," I gave her a big hug. "Don't go through this alone; we're all here to help you, so don't be afraid to ask for help." I got up and grabbed the keys from the desk. "We should return home; the results will be sent to my house." 

"You know I told Hoseok everything," Her lips trembled. "He was speechless, his eyes were watering, and he was on the verge of crying because of me. I didn't want him to be sad." She dried her tears with her thumbs. "He felt like it was his fault, you know. Because the fight started because–" She stopped "You already know why."

"Stop worrying, he is going to be fine. He will come to understand that it wasn't his fault nor yours."

"I hope so." She looked down.

"Why didn't you tell me he was abusive?" I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.

"He was verbally abusive, but this was the first time he did that to me. I didn't know he was violent." She looked at me. "I should've told you I know. You're my friend, I'm sorry if I made you feel like I didn't trust you enough."

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