𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 37 - 𝐴𝑙𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑡

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"What is it that you want to say?" Jungkook asked her, as she kept shifting her eyes to the both of us.

"Nevermind." She smiled and picked up her stuff. "I'm going to leave, I have a few things to get done at my place."

"Ju Kyung." I shook my head, not being sure about this. What if he went back there and waited for her to come back or just barges in while she's there and hurts her again. "It's not safe. Just stay here, please." I begged her with my eyes.

"You already did so much for me." She lowly said.

"It's nothing. Just stay here for a few more days and then you'll decide what you want to do, but please do not go back there today."

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked, worried about my reaction to her going home and confused.

"Okay I'm staying. But not too much though..."

"Thank you." I sighed with relief and let her hand go as she put her bag back onto the floor, next to her shoes.

"Okay, but can someone explain to me what's going?" He raised his eyebrow, waiting for an answer. I don't think that telling him would be appropriate. "By the way, Hoseok told me you went to the hospital with her last time. Late at night."

I looked at Ju Kyung, while she looked at him, not wanting to show any emotions. "I just...badly hurt myself. Y/n just helped me." Is all she said.

He looked at her without saying anything, but I knew that he had further questions and wanted to know more. I don't think it was fair for me to tel him her situation, knowing that it is really personal and that's her own choice to make, if she want to talk about it with other people.

I just really hoped that Hoseok wasn't going to ask questions about her to me.

"I'm going to go upstairs." She gave a me a soft look and quietly left the room. I knew that she wanted to stay alone. Every time I'd try to stay with her, she would push me away and tell me that she's okay and just needed time for herself, so I eventually stopped being clingy with her even though I really wanted to be next to her and stay with her the whole time.

Jungkook didn't add anything else but simply looked at me. "Is it okay if we go upstairs? I'm tired and I want to take a shower."

I nodded and held his hand in mine, while leading us upstairs after turning all the lights off. We made our way to my room and closed it behind us. I may not notice from time to time because we've been dating, but he was extremely hot right now and I felt lucky to have a man like that for myself.

"I won't ask you to tell me the real reason of everything that happened down there, but I hope she knows that she can trust me too." He lowly said, wanted to be discreet about this matter.

I smiled at him and pecked his lips. "She knows she can."

...5 months later

"I fucking hate you. I told you not to do this in my mouth." I wiped my mouth, the salty taste still in my mouth as I accidentally swallowed.

"I'm sorry. It felt so good that I couldn't help it." He chuckled as he leaned in and gave me a kiss.

I tried standing up since I was on my knees but successfully failed. "Let me help you baby." He went behind me and carefully lifted me up, walking to the bathroom with me too. "I can't wait for you to give birth so I can finally make love to you again." He whispered in my ear as he gently caressed my showing tummy, with my baby inside it.

"Shut the fuck up Jungkook. You're going to get hard again and I'm not going to help you this time." I washed my hand, still annoyed by his horny self.

"Don't be rude." He gently grabbed my jaw and made me look at me. "Behave and talk to me like you usually do, hm?"

I calmed down as I looked at his soft features. "Let me go. I'm mad at you." I rinsed my mouth and dried my hand with a towel afterwards.

"Don't be mad at me." He kissed my neck and hugged me, being careful about my belly.

I mumbled something and gently pushed him away.

Those five months went by so quickly. Everything was so stressful and the eventful days back then. Ju Kyung wanted to see new landscapes, so she suddenly decided that she would travel to Europe, meet new people and eventually find a way to forget about her misfortune with her ex-boyfriend. Hoseok was sad about it, but told her that we would wait for her to come back. I was sad that my best friend was going away, but she said that she would come back before I give birth, which made me happy.

Jungkook and I never heard about Mi Rae again. Taehyung told us that she was focusing on her studies and trying to mature. She apparently agreed that her behavior was getting out of hand and the best was to leave us alone and move on.

I still haven't find the perfect place to move in. I'm still searching, but it's hard, because I'm really picky and I want my future place to be perfect for me and my kids. And Jungkook may be. I haven't discussed it with him yet.

So much things happened in a short period of time and it was hard for me to handle it with my pregnancy and the stress at work. I had to find someone who was willing to buy my house before I move out, but I still had to move out first before selling my house.

This time I was at Jungkook's place, because he mostly spend his time at mine and I decided that I wanted to crash at his place too. Since Min Jun was spending the weekend with my mom and dad, it was a nice way of relaxing.

"Jungkook I'm hungry." I looked at him, waiting for his response, knowing really well that his response will depend on my mood.

"What do you want to eat, love?" He took out his phone, ready to order some food.

"I want something spicy and something with cheese and then for desert, I want something with chocolate." I was craving different things, but even though I wasn't going to finish everything, I needed to have everything or I was going to have a breakdown.

"Okay." He softly said, while with his other hand he rubbed my back. "Take this and add anything you want in the basket. Take something for me too."

"You can also eat with me, because I won't finish everything." He simply nodded and left the room to do something else while I ordered the food.

I was surprised that he trusted me with his phone, because mommy ex used to go berserk when I would take his phone just for a picture. I was happy that he showed me I could trust him all the time.

I ordered all the food and happily sighed after the order was confirmed. And since Jungkook lived in the 'center' of Seoul, the food was going to be delivered really quickly.

He suddenly got a notification form instagram, that someone left a comment on his recent post. I clicked on it, feeling curious.

It was that one mirror pic where he had just gotten out of the shower and we could clearly see his well shaped abs. I told him to post that pic because it was hot, but I never went and checked the comments because it never went through my mind.

It was a girl who commented. She left a "Hot kookie ;)".

Hot kookie? Really? Who is she? It said that she was a model when I clicked on her profile and she was so pretty and skinny. Her pictures were pretty too and we could see that they were taken by a professional. I wonder how he got to know her.

I started feeling jealous that he knew such pretty girls. It would've been okay if she had just commented something like "handsome^^" or some shit. No she had to say that he was hot and called him kookie with a ";)" next to it.

I closed the app and put his phone on the bed, as I took mine and played some games on my phone, trying to forget about that pretty woman.

"Are you done ordering?" He came back wearing a black hoodie and had his slippers in the other hand.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Are you going somewhere?" I handed him his phone.

"I'm going to get some soft drinks at the convenu store, you want to come with me?" He smiled.

I nodded and smiled back. We walked out of the room together and went downstairs. I wore my slippers and waited for him to do so too, so we could head out together.

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