𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 39 - 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒

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Our baby was due to arrive in two months. I wasn't sure about the particular date, but we never know. It may arrive sooner than planned. I was so excited that I kept telling Y/n about it until she got tired of hearing about it. I felt like a small child anticipating Christmas.

"Babe?" She called me, getting my attention. I turned around, seeing her with an annoyed expression all over her face, yet her voice was still soft.

"What's going on?" I took off my glasses, putting them next to my laptop.

"Min Jun wants you to eat with him." She heaved an annoyed sigh, "Or else he said, he isn't going to eat."

I didn't know if I should laugh or not, but this kid sometimes amused me. "Okay, just let me save this file, and I'm coming." I saved the file I was working on, on my computer.

I headed downstairs, getting a sight of a crying Min Jun. Once he saw me, he stopped crying and smiled, wiping his tears away with his forearms, which made me laugh. I sat down next to him, at the table, which was in the kitchen. Y/n already had prepared a plate for me, which I appreciated. She also sat down, on the opposite side of me and Min Jun.

"Are you happy now?" She looked at Min Jun, who nodded to answer her question.

He started eating happily, watching me from time to time, to see if I was also eating, and then he would giggle if I caught him doing so. He was the cutest.

Y/n was on maternity leave at the time, but I wasn't. I was considering taking vacation time because I hadn't taken any in a long time, and she was due shortly. So I could stay with her for a little while and try to help her. I don't want her to have to cope with it all on her own, as she had to when she had Min Jun.

"My back hurts..." She stretched out her back, as the uncomfy expression on her face made her frown. I looked at her. "This is your fault." She playfully said, with a knowing look.

I simply chuckled and answered, "I know and I don't regret it."

"You little bi—" She bit her tongue as she saw the curious face of Min Jun looking toward her way, wondering what she was going to say next, which made me laugh.

"Laugh what you're teaching to Junie." I acted shocked.

"Shut up."

"Shup up?" Min Jun repeated with a mouth full of food. She put her hand in front of her mouth and widened her eyes.

"Minie don't ever repeat what I say when you go to the kindergarten, okay?"

I was almost dying of laughter. At least I wasn't going to be held responsible if Min Jun starts saying bad words to other kids or in front of grown people.

"Yes mommy." He innocently nodded and kept chewing on his banana.

I couldn't think straight anymore because I already wanted to ask her out on the date I arranged with Taehyung and Jisoo's aid. I had already persuaded her mother to stay with Min Jun that day, and all I could think about was proposing to her.

The idea of her rejecting my proposal and not being ready to be engaged to me caused my heart to clench around itself for the first time in my whole life. So worried, fearful, and everything else that may go with it. Y/n is the love of my life and I was scared as hell.

"Babe, I've got a question for you." My hands became drenched all of a sudden. Why was I so worried? It wasn't the first time I'd asked her out on a date, but this was different. A significant one for the future.

She stared at me, waiting for me to ask me what I wanted to. "I set up a date for tomorrow, and I know you're nearly due, but I wanted to take you out to celebrate our new house and new life together." I smiled warmly, holding her hand in mine.

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