𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 10 - 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒

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After the shower with Jungkook, I went to wash up Min Jun and dress him up, so we could go out all together and spend the day outside like I planned. I was excited that Jungkook was here to keep me company with Min Jun. it was new to me, but I liked it.

"Mama, could we go to the store with the toys from last time?" He gently asked me, while eating his candy

"Yes, we can. We'll go wherever you want baby." I smiled but focused on the road.

"Could we also go shopping for clothes?" Jungkook turned to me and asked "I want to buy some."

"I need some too actually. I need to fill up my closet." I simply answered but took the right and drove toward the parking of the mall.

As I parked my car, I made sur I won't struggle to get out, because of the amount of cars that were outside. I opened my door and went to open the door for Min Jun to get out. I closed them and locked my car, as I joined Jungkook and linked my arm in his, an habit of mine that I do with the peoples around me.

"Should we shop for food or clothes first?" I asked, while looking at Min Jun and Jungkook. Min Jun was holding his hand while holding a lollipop in the other one.

"We should go shopping for food first, then for clothes. I think it's better if we put the food in the car before going shopping for clothes." Jungkook proposed

"I don't need that much food, but I don't mind buying more." I added, while flashing him a smile and walking in the supermarket.

...2h later - Department Store

"We bought too much things." I looked at Jungkook's hands full of bags and mine too. Mostly clothes. "I should stop spending money on clothes." I whined

"Your closet is empty." He laughed at me and kept walking toward my car "Give me the keys. I'm going to drive."

"Really?" I smiled, feeling a little bit tired after this shopping day "I'm grateful." I jokingly bowed down and let him open the car chest and put the bags in it.

He put Min Jun in his seat and secured his seat belt. He was feeling sleepy. We also hoped in the car. I made myself comfortable and waited for him to turn on the engine and drive us to my mom's coffee shop.

As we were driving there, the ride was kind of calm, but not awkward. It was calming and soothing. I was thinking by myself and observing the landscape as we were passing by different streets. I was liking this whole situation with Jungkook, even though it's still weird for me, we aren't dating, but we seem closer than that. I feel myself liking him more than before and I don't know what it means.

"I think we're here." Jungkook looked at me, but slowly smiled as he saw my tired my face "It's the same as the picture you showed me." He looked outside and observed the people that were sitting outside of the coffee

"Let's go." I yawned but opened the door and walked toward Min Jun's side to let help him out of the car.

"Mama~" he rubbed his eyes "Are we at grandma's shop?" He giggled

"Yes. May be Auntie is here with Ji Hoon." I took his hand and waited for Jungkook to head inside of the coffee shop.

I linked my arm with Jungkook and took Minie's hand in mine to walk inside and search for my mom, since she wanted to visit her.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" The waiter at the counter and cash register asked me

"Do you know where Mrs. Kim So Yeon is?" I asked for my mom

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