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Two years and half later

"Dada~" Eun Ji clumsily ran to her father, giggling and trying to hide behind his long legs, feeling safe behind them.

"Eun Ji!" Min Jun ran towards her, but did not get time to catch her, because Jungkook picked her up.

"Mama!" She screamed loudly, hurting my ears. "No!" She pulled her father's hair, making him wince, as she saw Min Jun trying to climb on Jungkook too.

"Min Jun, you better stop, right now." I sternly said. "Eun Ji, stop bothering your brother." I took her from Jungkook's arm and gently scolded her.

"Wanna play." She pouted.

Min Jun was sulking, holding Jungkook's leg and looked at me. "She threw my Lego in the toilet."

How was she even able to do so much stuff at her young age? It's like she was born yesterday and now she's already two years old, bothering her brother and running around the house.

I sighed and put her down. "If you keep bothering your brother, I will tell Santa that you've been a bad girl and you will not get the dolls you wanted."

"Mean!" She screamed and started whining.

"Oh my fuc— god." Jungkook complained.

Eun Ji looked at him and stopped whining once she saw his serious facial expression, he was not happy with her behavior.

"Baby, If you keep screaming, I will not be happy with you anymore. You need to stop acting like that and try being nicer with Min Jun, okay?"

I smiled when I saw her nodding and went to hug her brother sweetly. Finally.

"Now, grandpa will come and pick you two up, okay? Min Jun be nice with Eun Ji." He looked at him. "Jinie baby, be nice with Junie." He kissed the both of them.

Now, you're probably wondering, what happened during those almost three years now, after I gave birth to baby Eun Jin. Me and Jungkook eventually got married, we are now wife and husband, which we both love, the life of a married couple. We didn't do something huge, but invited our close friends family, and our family invited some of their friends, to brag about us getting married to each other which is an accomplishment to them apparently.

Raising two kids is really not hard with a man like my husband, Jungkook. He is a good father and step father to Min Jun. I'm really proud of it and I couldn't wish anything else, because he's the best I could ever have. Of course we do fight and have some disagreements, but they happen rarely and we make up quickly and communicate with each other, which helps and makes it easier, because we can tell each other everything without it being misunderstood, we listen to and understand each other.

We did not move from the penthouse we got in the middle of the city and near from our workplace. We had time and money to decorate and adapt it for the kids too. We even took Min Jun shopping so that he could choose his furnitures for his room, we can afford it so we wanted to spoil him and make him happy. Eun Jin is too young anyways, so we bought what we thought looked cute for her and she's happy with her toys anyways.

Now, I never thought that Eun Ji would so energetic and sometimes annoying, because when I had Min Jun, he was a calm kid and never made any whims. As for Eun Ji, when she was still a little baby, she was like any other newborns, of course. But as she started learning how to walk, run and talk, it was the end of us, the end of everything actually. She started running at anywhere, when we would go outside, at the mall, Jungkook always had to run after her and catch her.

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