𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 24 - 𝑇𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒

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"Here we go." She came back with pots of full of food and went back to get the side dishes.

As she came back, Min Jun precipitated himself. "Thank you mama." He clapped and excitedly began eating the food that was in his plate.

"Eat slowly." I caressed his back and smiled at the sight of him, appreciating his mother's food.

"Eat up babe." She softly looked at me with her pretty, but tired eyes. "It's going to get cold."

"Thank you for the food." I hurried and took a bite of the meat and the rice. I took a small sip of the soup and swallowed it.

She waited to see a reaction. "Is it good?"

"It's so good. You should eat too." I widened my eyes, but happily ate what she cooked for us.

After getting a good reaction from both me and Min Jun, she took the spoon and started by eating some rice along with the soup and meat. "It's so good." She smiled and kept eating, while taking some sips of the soup she made.

"Mama, I want to take a nap after eating. Papy said that I'll be tall and handsome if I take a lot of naps."

She chuckled at her son and answered. "You can take a nap after eating, but don't sleep too much baby."

He hummed in approval and continued eating his meal. The atmosphere was good and the sounds of the birds chirping was emphasizing everything. We didn't really talk much, I was more focused on observing her and her features.

Even though she looked like hell right now, she still looked pretty at the same time. To my eyes, she had no flaws, she was perfect.

"Why are you staring?" She flicked my forehead. "Why would you stare at me like that? Am I too ugly today?" She jokes.

"Don't be like that and eat your food." I smile at her, but kept putting food in my mouth at the same time. "I'm going to take care of you today."

"Are you?" She raised her eyebrow and looked at me as she cutely ate her food.

"Yes I will, I couldn't yesterday. So I'm going to do it today." I shoved some rice in my mouth. "Are you going to help me Min Jun?"


"I don't know what is happening to me. I rarely get sick." She swallowed the food she had in her mouth before she kept on talking. "But it's been two weeks, I don't feel well."

Feeling a bit more worried, I tried knowing more about what she was feeling right now. "Did you take any medicines or did you go to your doctor?"

"No, I didn't go to my doctor, I'm scared." She chuckled. "I did take some medicines, but it didn't help. Everything I would eat, I would just end up throwing it up right after. I'm surprised I still didn't throw up yet."

"You are a doctor yourself but you're scared to go to your own doctor?" I let out a small laugh.

"Yeah, I don't want to know what I might have is a bad illness or something."

"I don't think it's that bad. May be you're just going through something and the stress at work doesn't help." I put my hand on her back, caressing it and trying to ease her a little bit, she didn't look relaxed.

"Thank you for coming today, your presence really helps me right now. I love being next to you." She hid her face in the crook of my neck. She couldn't finish her meal, seeing the way she was struggling to swallow each time she'd put food in her mouth, trying to feed herself.

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