𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 20 - 𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑒

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"This patient has been complaining about vomiting all morning and feeling dizzy. She said she's isn't seeing her period and she is scared to have some disease." The nurse summarized.

"Did you tell her that the disease might be a pregnancy?" I chuckled as I flipped through my documents.

"Well...it does make sense now."

"I'm not going to scold you, but you should do your job better. Send her to me I'm going to examine her."

"Alright, I apologize for bothering you Dr. Kim." She bowed down and walked out of my office.

I bowed my head a little to her and continued filling the documents I had to fill. I completed a lot of my tasks today so I was getting a bit tired and I saw Jungkook running a little bit everywhere. The last thing I needed today was drama. I just wanted to work and head back home. I was also excited about finding a new home for me and Min Jun.

I really wanted our new home to be closer to my workplace, it would be less tiring for me and faster to go to work. I don't know why I bought a house that wasn't even close to my workplace, but I guess I really liked the house, even though the neighborhood was a little bit weird. It was still a peaceful place to live.

The bell from my office rang. That probably means that the patient who I told the nurse to send me came. I stood up and walked toward the door to open it. A pretty young girl appeared in front of me. She had short hair and a cute face.

"Hello, you can come in." I smiled at her and closer the door behind her. "You can sit whenever you want I'll just simply sit behind the desk, alright?"

"Okay..." her voice was low and barely audible, but I could still hear it.

"Do you want some tea, hot chocolate?" I walked toward the machine and prepared myself a hot chocolate.

"Some tea, please." She lightly smiled at me and looked down again at her fingers as she played with them.

I made her a cup of tea and handed it to her as I drank my cup of hot chocolate. "So why did you come here today? The nurse briefly told me what's going on, but I want you to be the one explaining it to me."

"Doctor..." She looked at my name tag. "Kim?"

"Yes." I nodded

"So, I-I...missed my period, I keep vomiting in the mornings or whenever I smell some sort of food. I feel dizzy sometimes and I eat way more than before, something that I find weird, because I don't eat that much actually."

"When was the last time you had your period?" I put on my glasses and took an empty paper, as I wrote down some things.

"Two or three months ago." Her voice was shaking a bit, may be a little bit nervous about it.

"Alright, okay before we continue what's your name please?"

"It's Kang Bin Tae." She looked down.

"Okay, so I don't need much examination to know what have, but if you want we can also do a test?" I gently told her.

"Okay...what kind of test do I need to do?"

"We can either take a bit of your blood or we can also take some of your urine." I told her. "It won't take long."

"I can't really afford doing a test right now, my parents don't even know that I came here." She but her fingernail.

"That's up to you, it was just to be even more certain." I put my glasses on the desk. "So I think you probably, knew but you must be pregnant."

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