𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 4 - 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡

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"You're a model?" Ju Kyung exclaimed as she talked with Joo Hyuk "That's why you have the looks." She winked at him

I could hear their voice as me and Jungkook walked inside the house, together. "What are you guys talking about?" I asked with a little smile on my face

"Did you know that those two are models?!" Jisoo shouted, dumbfounded about this fact as she shook my arms

"It's not surprising, they're both good looking and tall." I smiled at them both as they looked at me

"Y/n, your phone has been buzzing since 30 minutes." Ju Kyung lowly tells me "Do you think it's the hospital?"

"No, I made sure they were not going to call me this weekend." I took my phone and put it in my pocket. "It's probably some notifications."

...1 hour later - 19:56

We were all sitting around the coffee table, still eating drinking and telling each other anecdotes "Yo, I think I'm going to go, my girlfriend's been harassing me." Jimin chuckled and checked his phone with a little frown on his face

"Can you drive me back too please?" Jin asked, as Namjoon also joined in with Yoongi

"So you guys just going?" I faked a little cry, feeling a little tipsy, because of the soju I drank before

"Yeah, I don't want her to be mad at me." He smiled

"We came with him so let's just go back, we'll have plenty of other times to see each other. Even at work." Namjoon winked at me before getting smacked in the shoulder by Jin

"Okay guys, please drive safely okay?" I warned with a little smile as I stood up to go hug each of them

"Bye guys!" The rest of them waved at the boys before they left, it felt kind of empty, but we were still 9

"Where are the toilet ?" Hoseok stressfully asked while jumping up and down "I need to pee!"

"It's the door at your right at the end of the hallway." I laughed, seeing his state. He ran toward the bathroom and hurriedly walked in and locked the door behind him

"What do you guys want to do now?" Jisoo asked, briefly looking at Taehyung

"Should we watch a movie, it's an occasion to use this big ass TV. I have Netflix." I smiled and walked toward the couch and got the tv remote

"Yes that sounds good. I can make the caramelized pop corn I did last time." Jisoo proposed with her pretty smile and cheerfully stood up and walked to the kitchen

"I'm gonna wear something more comfortable." I smiled and quickly ran to my room to wear something more comfortable.

I came back downstairs and saw them ready to begin the film, but were making small talks while waiting for me "There you are. I got the blankets!" Ju Kyung excitedly smiled and showed me the three blankets she took out in the little cupboard in the hallway

"Thank you, girl." I sat down next to Hoseok and got comfortable next to him to then put the blanket over our cold bodies "I should've increased the heat of the heater." I shivered, feeling the cold air hit my body

"Come here." Hoseok opened his arms to me with a bright smile "let's stay like this till you get a little hot." He gently caressed my arms and put the blanket over my chest and his

"Here you go!" Jisoo came back running with 3 pots of sweet pop corn and she took place next to Taehyung, leaving a blanket for Jungkook and Mi Rae only.

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