𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 17 - 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒

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The breakfast was good and I enjoyed eating with Y/n and Min Jun. I was tired and in pain, but today was my day off and I planned on sleeping more.

"Kook, I have my night shift today so I hope staying with him won't bother you." She hesitated.

"It's not, don't worry." I swallowed the last drop of water that was in my glass. "Did you find a dress for the party?"

"I have plenty in my closet, so I won't buy one, but I guess I'll just buy new shoes. I have everything I need to."

"It's next week don't forget, my mom is excited to see you." I widely smiled, feeling excited to show her to my mom and dad. It's been a long time I didn't bring a girl as my girlfriend to my parents. "My dad says he want to meet you, but as my girlfriend."

She was blushing. "Your mom wants to meet...me?" She pointed to herself. "What if she thinks that I'm not pretty and good enough for you? What do I do if she doesn't like me?"

"She will like you for sure." I pulled her closer to me and pecked her lips. "She's kind and adorable, you'll see."

"Okay." She cutely smiled and kissed me.

"Why are you always kissing, it's ew." Min Jun suddenly exclaimed. "Jungoo, you're stealing moma away from me." He pouted and came in between us, hugging his mom's waist.

"Are you jealous? Do you also want some kisses?" She laughed, but gently pinched his cute cheeks.

"Yes, I wanna." He tilted his head and waited for his kiss.

"I won't steal your mom again." I chuckled, but ruffled his soft hair, finding his behavior cute. He was already fighting with me for his mom.

"I can't split myself in two. I wish I could." Y/n smiled at him, but gave him multiple kisses all over his face, making him giggle and show his cute little teeth.

"I'm going upstairs to take a nap, I'm still tired."

"I want to go with Jungoo." Min Jun suddenly stood up and looked at me. "Can I go with you Jungoo~"

"Yes baby. Come here." I stretched my arms toward him and carried him in my arms.

"I'm tagging along." She followed us and also came to lie down on the bed with us.

"Let's sleep~" Min Jun closed my eyes with his small hands and did the same for his mother. "Good night afternoon nap." He giggled and lied down between us and put the covers over our bodies.

...2 hours later

Y/n and Min Jun were still sleeping and I wasn't tired anymore so I slowly stood up, trying to not bother them and headed out of the room. I felt like working out, so I went in the guest room and changed in my sport clothes that I left there. I went downstairs and headed in the kitchen, preparing a protein shake for myself and walked outside in the backyard.

I didn't want to work out inside, so doing it outside sometimes fet better. She even had some equipments so it was perfect. I began with my warm up routine and then continued with some squats, side planks, push-ups, Lunges, dumbbell rows and so on.

It was tiring, but it felt good to do some sports. I had music in my ears so it was motivating. I took a short break and drank some water and checked my phone. I saw some notifications, but one got my attention. It was a text from Mi Rae. It's been a long time that she didn't text me and I was confused.

Mi Rae}
Jungkook can we talk? I have something important to tell you.

You can tell me now.

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