𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 38 - 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑

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"I want this." I pointed to the strawberry cake. "Please." He nodded and put it in the basket, before taking my hand in his again.

"Take whatever you want to eat." Knowing the reason, he chuckled. "I'm not sure if I'm ready to get up at 4 a.m. again to go buy some chocolate."

I smiled, still feeling sorry about it. I did cry a lot that night, because there wasn't anything I felt like eating. "I'm sorry love." I laughed.

"It's fine. I don't mind."

He carried the full basket to the cashier and paid everything. He took the bag in his other free hand and lead us out of the convenience store. We walked in a comforting silence, side by side, while looking at the people passing by or the cars and the fresh breeze caressing our skins.

We hurried a little bit, because the delivery was almost going to be there and we didn't want to miss it or make the delivery guy wait.

We arrived in front of his house after a few minutes of walking and hurriedly walked inside, leaving the slippers at the door and walking barefoot throughout the house. I took some of Jungkook's bags and placed them on the kitchen counter. I didn't want to wait for the delivery. I wanted to eat everything we had just purchased.

"Babe, let me put them away. You don't have to." He took the items that I had in my hands and opened the cabinets, where he kept all our snacks. "Sit down and wait." He gently said, as he put the groceries away and took out two glasses.

"Do you want to drink water or juice?"

"I want to drink the mango nectar we just bought." He nodded and took it out of the fridge, before pouring some in my glass and his.

"I wanted to talk about something." He started. "I'm just going to tell you and then you can give me your own opinion. But I've been thinking about it for a while now."

I nodded and let him continue. "So, you're still looking for a place near our workplace. So I was thinking that we could buy a place together." He bit his lower lip. "My place is still fourth minutes away from the hospital. Your place is far from the hospital too. We've been spending our time at either my place or yours. So I thought that moving in together would be a good idea. And I want to be able to see you and Min Jun whenever I want to."

I was so happy to hear that. It made me so happy to know that Jungkook wanted to be with me, in the same house with my child and our future little one. "I would love this." This is all I could say. I was totally agreeing with what he just said and there was nothing more to add.

"Really? I was so nervous that you wouldn't like the idea. We've been together for months, even though it may be soon for you. I don't care I just want to be with you and this is going to make our lives easier."

"I'm so excited!" I jumped in his arms and held him tight against me with the biggest smile on my face. "I love you." I looked at him and pecked his lips.

"I love you too." He smiled, displaying his dimples and kissing my cheek. "Let's buy a pretty and big house, hm?"

I nodded and smiled.

...15 minutes later

After quickly arriving home and on time to receive our food, we ate in the living room together while watching a Korean drama. We were sitting on the floor, side by side and peacefully savoring our meal. I wasn't thinking about anything much, but sitting there next to him made me so happy and made me think about everything that happened. I couldn't be happier.

"I can't wait to be in a new house with you, with our little one and Minie." He gently said as he kissed my forehead, his cologne invading my nostrils.

"Really?" My eyes were glistening.

"You have no idea how happy and excited I am Y/n."

I wouldn't have believed someone if they had told me that all that occurred would happen in such a short period of time. I found a wonderful partner who respects and loves me, and I am surrounded by wonderful friends. I wouldn't trade them for anything, despite the ups and downs. I couldn't wait to become a mother for the second time. Although it might have happened quickly, it might have been for the better, and I hoped that this relationship would endure longer than I anticipated.

I was more thrilled about locating a new, suitable residence for Min Jun, Jungkook, and our unborn child. Living with someone I love, sharing a space, and having the kids around would be new experiences for me. I couldn't have asked for anything greater than to be happy. I only wanted to find us the most lovely and welcoming place to live. I thought that going to an real estate agency would be best, less complicated and we're getting a professional aspect and help.

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to find a suitable place for us. So I think I'm just going to go this really known real estate agency, to get help finding the perfect home." I looked at him, drinking a sip of sparkling water.

"Yeah, but I wanted to talk about the standards. Tell me what you want for the house, your viewpoint, and other things."

"It would be ideal for us if the residence wasn't far from our workplace because it takes a lot of energy to drive an hour and a half back and forth. I'm not sure if I want to carry on like that. My head cocked. "But I still want the house to be roomy, lovely, and welcoming. Who doesn't like having a nice house? I just want everyone to feel welcome." I laughed. "And then we can take care of the decoration later of course, as long as it doesn't look all grey and black everywhere like your current house." I teased him.

"The closet." He said as he took a bite of his food. "If there isn't any closet or if the one we may have isn't big enough, we'll have to make it bigger or build one, because we have way too much clothes and shoes, and I'm not finna throw away anything."

I chuckled. "We can consider that later, though. I grinned and continued to eat. Speaking about clothing, Min Jun and I both have to pick what we want to keep or not. He is growing up, therefore some of his clothing is becoming too small.

"You just want to throw clothes away, so you can buy more." He chuckled.

"Leave me alone." I smiled and swallowed some juice.

The night went on like that, talking about a lot of things and enjoying the presence of each other while eating a nice meal. Min Jun wasn't home, so it was quieter than usually, but we still missed him bothering us. Better than nothing.

...2 months later

Jungkook's POV

Today was the day we were supposed to move in our new house we finally found with Y/n. We also visited a beautiful penthouse in the middle in the city, but we wanted something more peaceful for the children, it was still near the city and not far away from the hospital. We had signed all the papers and everything was done properly and fluidly. I didn't want her to have to do anything so I organized everything so all the furnitures she wanted to keep would be moved into the new house. She could relax.

I had something in mind and really couldn't wait to do it, I was so excited about it. I had planned everything. Me and Y/n have been together for almost a year and she was now pregnant. I couldn't be happier and couldn't see myself with someone else than her. It made sense to me that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her and I had to make it happen no matter what.

She deserves the world and I wanted to give it to her.

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