𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 25 - 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑓

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"What do you mean?" I raised a brow. "Y/n, I'm not even asking for your permission. We are going up there getting you consulted." I waited for the lift.

"Jungkook." She tried to be firm, but I'm stubborn and I wasn't going to listen to her. What if it was something bad?

I didn't say anything, but when the lift finally came, I pulled her inside with me, still being gently in the procedure, even though she was slowly getting on my nerves, trying to tell me that it was fine.

When we arrived, the lobby was not empty, but not full either. People were wandering around, some patients and other people going in and out of the hospital. I headed toward the receptionist, waiting for her to notice me, since she was taping on the keyboard.

Once she finally noticed me, she slightly widened her eyes but lightly bowed her head down and greeted me. "Good morning Mr. Jeon, how can I help you?" She diverted her eyes on Min Jun and then looked at my right, seeing Y/n.

"I need to see a doctor it's urgent."

"Okay, let me see. I just need a few seconds." After a few seconds she looked at me. "Dr. Lee on the fourth floor is available. I just need to notify him."

I nodded and waited as she called Dr. Lee to tell him we were coming, since we weren't really on his schedule. She ended the call and told me we could go.

I was getting anxious now, I didn't want her to be in bad conditions. It's been two weeks that she was feeling ill. I was a bit worried of the result they were going to give us. But at least she is going to be treated if she has some sort of disease.

We headed to his office and knocked on the door until he told us to get in. We comfortably sat down on the chair, but I still made sure Min Jun was comfortable in my arms.

"I didn't except you to come like this Jungkook-ah." He warmly smiled at me.

"I'm sorry Hyung, you probably planed to take a break and I just came without a warning."

"It's fine Jungkook." He took off his glasses. "Who needs to be consulted though?" He chuckled.

"She needs to." I referred to Y/n.

"Since it's a consultation, I will need you to step out for a bit. Privacy things."

I simply nodded and carefully stood up and headed outside of the office with Min Jun in my arms.

Y/n's POV

If only I knew he'd do this. I know that he's only caring for my own good, but if the things Ju Kyung said end up being true, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm scared of his reaction. I don't want things to end between me and him.

I  couldn't stop bouncing my leg, the anxiety taking over me. "So Ms. Kim, what's going on, I only see you with your white coat. What happened?" He chuckled as he tapped on his keyboard.

"I've been feeling ill for two weeks. I've been feeling nauseous, throwing up right after eating something, but not always." I felt myself getting embarrassed the more I talked about it. "I sometimes feel dizzy, I get nauseous too when I smell certain type of food and get headaches too. I haven't had my period for about two months now. I don't know if it's because I changed the brand of birth control, but I'm tired. No medicines can help me."

He was looking at me, I couldn't read what was in his eyes though and that was stressing me out. "I'm going to run a few tests and see. I don't think that you have some serious illness, but I'll let you know." He slowly said and gently talked to me. "I am going to hand you cup that you'll have to fill with your urine, and then I'll take a little bit of your blood, just in case."

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