𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 13 - 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑑

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Jungkook's POV

After a few checks on Min Jun, I could say that everything was alright. The reaction was just violent on the moment, but with some liquids and medicine, he eventually calmed down and his throat deflated a little bit and he fell asleep.

Y/n's state made me nervous, because she didn't look good, it must've not been the first time, but I guess seeing her small little baby affected her in some way. I wish I could be by her side, but we can't be too close at work and I have to take care of Min Jun first. She'll only be able to see him when he's going to wake up.

"Dr. Jeon, we have a woman making a fuss in the hall. She says that she needs her husband, who is already healed, to be in the ICU." A colleague of mine explained as he struggled slowing his pace. "We're a mess right now and you're the only person I thought I'd call because you're patient."

"Does she realize that we can't put a patient in ICU just because he has a small scar on the leg right?" I looked at him, my patience already leaving my body "You know what. Let me talk to her, lead me there please."

...7 minutes later

"If my husband dies, I'm going to sue you, all of you!" She fumed in anger "The client should be treated like a king, so treat his wound!" She shouted at the nurses.

"Madam, I'm afraid to tell you that this hospital isn't a supermarket or a clothing store, it's an hospital, we help people here and since we saw that your husband's state is not urgent, we put him in the hospital room with other people." I tried to explain as calm as possible, it isn't the first time this happens.

"Who are you to tell me that huh? I know what's better for him." She crossed her arms as she scoffed

"I'm a doctor, and I know what's better for him. You better calm down or I'll call the security to throw you out." I sternly said "They're sick people here who needs to rest, if you want to make a fuss, do it but outside of the hospital, because if you don't, I'm the one who's going to sue you." I look at the security guards.

They were about to grab and put her outside the hospital. "Okay! Let me go, don't touch me. I'll stop." She arranged herself and sat down on one the bench that were next to the reception. "Don't you know how to treat women?" She looked at guards with disgusts, but I took this opportunity and disappeared to check on my other patients and of course Min Jun.

As I was about to enter one of the hospital rooms, my phone rang. I took it and checked the called ID seeing that it was my dad's one. I didn't hesitate, but answered it. "Yes?"

"Hello to you too, my dear son." He laughed, making me smile. "Sorry to bother you, I know you must be busy, it was just to tell you that we are holding a party and some important sponsors and other important persons are going to come. So take your team with you and that girlfriend or whatever Dr. Kim." He happily explained

"Abeoji— (dad) She's not my girlfriend and how do you hear such things?" I felt embarrassed that my own father knew about that rumor that's going everywhere in the hospital.

"I know everything. Your forgot it's my hospital." He chuckled "Your older brother is going to come too, with his fiancé." He sighed with joy

"It's been a long time I didn't see Hyung." I felt excited about it "Whatever, I'm going to make sure my 'guests' can come and of course I'll bring Dr. Kim if she can."

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