𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11 - 𝑀𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑢𝑝

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"Where is Min Jun?" Jin curiously asked as he looked around my little baby.

"He is with his father. He came to pick him up before I went to work today." I explained "Min Jun likes to be with his father, he said that his father is way prettier than I am but he still loves me." I laughed as I remembered my son's words and thought that he actually is right. He got his beauty from his father and I'm glad.

"At this point?" Jin mocked me "I want to see it with my own eyes."

"I can show you a picture of Min Jun and his father. I have some in the tv stand." I stood up and headed toward it to take the proofs of my sayings.

As I found them, I made my way back to the couch and sat down between Jungkook and Jin. "Here you go. Those are recent. His father gave it to me. He printed them so I could show them to Min Jun." I gave the pictures to Jin, gathering the rest of the boys around, as they also wanted to see who was my baby's father and how he looked like.

"He really is handsome. I understand why Min Jun looks so good, but you're also really pretty Y/n-ah." Namjoon complimented me, reassuring me about my looks, even though I wasn't doubting it.

"Are you two still in contact?" Jimin curiously asked, putting both of his hands under his chin, resting his elbows on his knees. "I'm not trying to be nosy but—"

"No problem. And yes we have to. At least till Minie grows up. We aren't in bad terms though, but only sometimes." I nervously laughed as I remembered what happened last time that he came into my house.

"What do you mean by that?" Taehyung chuckled

"Huh, we have our up and downs." I hesitated, but scratched the back of my neck, as I didn't want to go into the details of what happened between us.

"But I'm still shocked. He's really handsome and he looks expensive as fuck." Taehyung added, still looking at the pictures Hyo Seop took with our baby.

"I'm hungry." Namjoon yawned as he rubbed his flat belly and made himself comfortable on the couch.

"I can order some food if you want to. I'm too lazy to cook, sorry." I giggled but took my phone, ready to order.

"Let's eat some pasta." Jin recommended "Or you guys take whatever you want." He chuckled

"You guys just tell me what you want to eat and I'll order, it's on me." I smiled at them.

"Y/n is the friend I needed and searched for." Hoseok laughed but excitedly told me what he wanted to eat and drink.

We all put our food in the E-basket and order it. I proposed to take something for Ju Kyung as well since she was going to come. Jisoo couldn't she had a lot of things to do, but she promised to pay us a good meal soon.

"They say they're going to deliver it in 25 minutes." I put my phone back on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch, feeling a little bit sore.

"Okay, let's watch something on the tv while doing that." Yoongi took the remotes and turned on the tv. "I like her tv so much. I'm going to buy the same."

I simply giggled, but slowly stood up, being careful about my sore muscles. "Where are you going?" Namjoon softly asked me

"In the kitchen. I'm going to get some drinks. You can help me." I playfully winked at him, but waited for him to stand up and we headed together in the kitchen. "There are some soft drinks in the fridge, because I know
that you are driving today." I looked up at him.

"Thank you sweetheart." He simply, but sweetly smiled and took the drinks. As he turned around he saw me frowning while touching a certain aching spot of my body, my neck and the bottom of my back. "What is it? Did you overwork yourself again?" He put the drinks aside and came closer to me.

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