𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 31 - 𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦

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Now this was getting awkward, not even annoying, but awkward. She was embarrassing herself right now. Why would she post a picture of us two and the worst is that I don't even remember taking pictures with her, since all we did was having sex.

"What do you mean picture of us two?" I raised an eyebrow, still confused and annoyed by this girl.

"Look." Hoseok handed me his phone, she was in front of the mirror and I was in the background doing anything but paying attention to her. I had my glasses and was looking at something on my phone.

She wrote down: "I miss having him around :("

"Honestly..." I yawned. "It's awkward. She knows damn well I don't care about this shit, why is she posting a picture and saying things like that, now people will think we are in some sort of a relation." This made me think about the fact that I still have to meet her but I keep forgetting.

"Didn't you talk to her? You're in a relationship with Y/n, she should at least respect that." Yoongi added.

"I'm tired honestly, I don't even want to talk about it. It just gets on my nerves, I don't want to deal with her anymore." I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling tired and sleepy.

I really wished that she would stop and act like a grown woman, but she clearly doesn't want to which is pretty annoying, because if she had at least a bit of respect for herself, she wouldn't act that way. I hope that what she has to say is worth my time, because I'm not going to deal with any more of her shit.

"Guys, I think I'm going to go home soon, I'm getting tired." Ju Kyung said. I noticed her mood change, but didn't say anything about it.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" Hoseok asked her, sitting straight.

"No it's fine I can walk." She unsurely smiled.

"Nah, I'm dropping you off, I didn't really drink so I can drive, don't worry." He genuinely smiled at her, before getting up and getting ready.

"I guess I'll see you guys soon." She cutely waved goodbye at everyone and headed out with Hoseok.

"I bet they will date each other, just wait and see." Jin laughed, slapping my head in the process for no reason.

"What was that for?" I complained.

"You guys are too damn loud!" Jisoo appeared out of nowhere, startling all of us. "I'm trying to sober up." Her lips quivered, like she was about to cry.

this meeting turned into anything, it even became embarrassing. Jisoo who is super drunk, Y/n who doesn't feel well because of the pregnancy and Ju Kyung who has been very weird for a while and the worst for the end, Mi Rae who doesn't want to leave me alone with her bullshit. I was tired and with all the work I already have to do in the hospital, it really doesn't help me. I wish I could have energy all the time, but today was a really exhausting day both mentally and physically.

"Guys, I think I'm just going to go to bed, make yourself at home. There are free rooms if you want to sleep here, there is enough food." As I got up, I let out a tired sigh, feeling the aches and fatigue in my body.

"Sleep well Kook." Namjoon said, I just nodded and walked upstairs, joining my girlfriend in her bedroom.

Y/n's POV

I felt a shift on the bed, I wasn't fully asleep, so I could still hear the people downstairs and I supposed it was Jungkook of course, so I turned around and saw his tired face. "Kook."

"You're not sleeping?" He reopened his eyes to look at me, while encircling my waist with his arms. "You need to sleep, you're tired." He yawned.

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