𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5 - 𝐼𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑒

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"Me, jealous of her?" I scoffed as I pointed my finger at myself "What is there to be jealous of?"

"I don't know, you should tell me. I'm just feeling like you're jealous."

"Don't push my limits, Jungkook." I looked at him "I'm not jealous of her."

"Then what is going on?!" He exclaimed, probably tired of me, as I didn't want to have a decent conversation with him "we're not going out of this room, until you tell me what's going on in your mind." He said with a deep voice

"Who are you for me to tell you what I have in my mind?" I deeply looked at him

"I thought we were getting along..." He frowned as he bite his lip "I know we don't know each other that well, but let me get to know you more, so you'll eventually trust me."

"It's not the problem." I lowly tell him

"Then what is it..."He held my arm tighter and pulled me closer to him "Please."

"I don't want you to hang out with her." I gulped as I looked at him "I don't want to."

"I know that she's young and that she was rude toward you and your son." He sighed "But I can't just stop seeing her like that."

"Why? Is it so hard to cut the ties with her?" I assumed "Jungkook, I don't want this!" I exclaimed

"Why?" He frowned "I like the way we work together and how we understand each other so well inside the hospital and outside of it. I don't want to fight with you." He said with a soft voice

"I didn't like how you were so close to her that day and I just don't like her at all." I looked down, lowering my head "And I also like to work with you Jungkook, but if you want to keep hanging out with her, I'm nobody to tell you what to do, I just don't want to see her in front of my face or I might snap."

He stayed silence for a little moment, saying nothing, but I could feel his eyes on me. I didn't even dare to look at him and it's odd knowing myself. I said things that I shouldn't have said, since we barely know each other, but I felt this stinging pain inside me when I saw them and I had to tell him to make me feel better, to know that he now knows how I felt back then, makes me feel better.

"Well, you were really close with Eun Woo as well. He even poured your glass many times and gave you food." He scoffed "You think I liked it? I don't like you being close to him either."

"But he's your friend and he's nice, not like Mi Rae." I nervously chuckled "Will you let go of my wrist?" I looked at his hand and then back at him

"No. We're not done—" the ringing tone of his phone cut him off

He hesitated to take the phone call and looked at me before letting go of my hand and answering the call.

"Hello?" He calmly said as he held his phone with his right hand, the other one in his white coat. I took this opportunity to unlock the door and get out of the staff room

...3 hours later - GSN Hospital

After having to check on my patients and doing some paperwork and organizing my appointments with other patients, I headed in the changing room and changed into my usual clothes, took my purse and headed in the lift to go in the parking area. As I arrived there, I walked toward my car and unlocked it with my keys, while searching for my phone somewhere in my bag. As I got comfortable in my seat, I started the engine, turned up the heater and drove off to my house.

The roads were kind of calm and there weren't too much cars and people outside. It was almost 2 am in the morning, I was tired and my muscles were aching so bad. I did a lot of work, I had appointments and surgeries, plus the ER patients that sometimes came in. I don't know what made me choose medical studies, but I'm sometimes regretting this, but then I think about my fascination for my job and the salary. I mean I'm getting paid really good for doing a job that I love, even though some of my elders can be really rude, disrespectful and annoying toward me, I still put up with it. Of course, now that I have a good job, I can spare money for my son's future, I can spoil my mom, dad and son with presents, even though my dad has a bit of money, because of his work. I still like to give them presents when I have the time to, to thank them for raising me and working hard to make me what I am today.

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