𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 22 - 𝐹𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙

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"Now..?" Really unsure about this, I still dared to ask. I knew him as my boss, but not as my boyfriend's father. It was going to be the first time that I'll talk to him as my man's father and I was actually nervous, more shy than anything. At least his mom seemed nice and was kind to me for the small bit we talked.

"Let's go he's waiting for us." She smiled and gently pushed her son as he followed his mother steps, slowly arriving toward his father, Mr. Jeon.

My hand suddenly felt sweaty. What if I say something dumb while talking to him or if I stutter? Those are the thoughts I was having at the right moment we stood next to Mr. Jeon and his imposing body.

"Honey." Jeon Cho Hee stood beside her husband as she smoothly slid her well manicured hand upon his shoulder, getting all of his attention in a short second. "I came back with your son and his woman." She looked at me with a small knowing smile, making me flustered.

He slowly turned around, stumbling upon me and Jungkook. "Jungkook-ah." Appreciating his son's presence, he took him in a short manly embrace and then put his attention on me. "Kim Y/n~"

"Hello, I'm Kim Y/n, Jungkook's girlfriend." I genuinely smiled despite my shyness and slightly bowed at him. I stopped counting how many times I had to bow today, my back was at the verge of aching.

"I'm glad that you came here today as Dr. Kim and Jungkook's girlfriend." He chuckled as he took a small sip in his champagne cup. "He never introduced me one of his previous girlfriends, so I'm glad to know you as my son's woman."

"He never did?" I tried hiding my smile, as I tighten my hand. "Is that true?" I widely smiled, feeling more at ease to talk wit him and happy about the fact he just said to me.

"He never did. So I'm glad he does it today, 'cause you must mean a lot to him for him to introduce you to me as his girlfriend." He pursed his lips before taking a look at his son.

"He means a lot to me too." I meant those words, for the little amount of time I've been with Jungkook, I felt like I've known him forever and that we were bound to be together.

"You two look really good together." He nodded his head. "Did you like my speech?"

"Well, yes. It wasn't too long and you chose the right words, you were even making jokes." Jungkook answered, with a little bit of sarcasm at the end of his phrase. "It was good to be honest."

"Okay, I'm glad it was then. I hate making speeches. It's the worst, I was shy." He chuckled and patted his son shoulder.

"You were okay dad." He looked around. "Where's Hyung?"

"He's smoking outside, he's coming back when he's done."

"Y/n, you should come home once and have dinner with all of us." Jungkook's mom said, excitedly clapping her hands together, as she smiled at me, waiting for an answer.

"I'll definitely come." I nodded and gently smiled at her, but still feeling a bit nervous and tense, not really knowing what to say.

His mother was being lovely with me and somehow reassuring me. I wasn't feeling nervous anymore and I was comfortable enough to talk with them about different things than the hospital. Jungkook then shortly left and came back with his brother and his fiancé next to him.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Jung Hin." He politely smiled at me, before offering his hand to me as I take it and looked at his fiancé. "That's So Ra." She looked pretty and classy. She was a bit shorter than me, but her dress was looking good.

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