A Mass For The Dead

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When you love someone..

Sometimes, you have to let them go.


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"I wonder how Pakistan would be.", P'Pruk thought aloud as we lined up to board the plane from Suvarnabhumi Airport.

It was better known as Bangkok Airport and one of the main airports in the country. It caters most of the international flight aside from Don Mueang International Airport. The last time I was here, I was saying goodbye to Hia.

This is the place in where we said hello and goodbye. It held a lot of memories of our long distance relationship. It was one of the happiest and saddest places in Bangkok, not only for me but for others as well. It had been one of the silent witness to the hopes and dreams of individuals. Families. Of lovers.

"Nong Team!", P'Pruk caught my attention.

The attendant was waiting for me to take my passport and boarding pass. I apologized to her as she checked the documents and gestured for me to pass. I followed my senior and fellow athlete as we walked into the connecting tunnel towards the plane as he shook his head when I spaced out. 

I placed my backpack on the overhead luggage compartment before I took a sit beside Min

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I placed my backpack on the overhead luggage compartment before I took a sit beside Min. He was occupying the seat near the window and I was stuck between him and P'Pruk. We had been mostly cordial after I turned him down and he seldom talked to me directly ever since. I didn't mind, so long as we had a silent understanding that we couldn't be more than friends. We were still working on the 'friends' part and sitting next to each other was always a start.

"Do you think there would be snow in Islamabad?", P'Pruk asked us as he settled down.

"Maybe.", I was unsure.

I've never been to the place and what I knew about it from class is that it has mountainous regions like Thailand. So, there's a probability that the weather would be cold there during this month. It was already December and the new year was fast approaching. We don't get to enjoy Christmas Vacation anymore unlike when we were students.

"Coach said we'll join a tour at the hotel after the competition.", Min decided to join in.

"Isn't their time zone two hours behind from ours?", I asked him, trying to strike a conversation.

"Jaap.. It's like we're travelling back in time! Right?", P'Pruk quipped excitedly.

Min just nodded at our questions and stared outside of the window as the flight attendant informed us to buckle our seatbelts. We fumbled for the belts as I thought that if time travel could be only as easy as what P'Pruk had said, everyone would be eager to board a plane just to go back in time. But, I guess not everyone since Min looked nervous as the carrier started to move. 

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