Loose Ends

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"Aren't you coming over tonight?", I asked Hia over the phone while I watered the cactuses by the balcony.

I had to maintain the moisture level of the plants to keep it alive before I forget my responsibility towards them. But I also had to be careful not to overdo it. Since the weather was cool, I had to at least water them once a week or when the soil felt dry to the touch.

A month had already passed since P'Dean and Pharm's wedding. Although Hia and I had been together for almost every day, going back and forth from each other's place, and spending our free time from work; we hadn't seen each other for almost a week now.

"Mai, Nong. I had some work to wrap up before this weekend.", he told me on the other line.

"You haven't forgotten, have you?", I asked him to jog his memory in case it escaped his thoughts.

We had already planned to go together back to my hometown for Maae's birthday but with his recent erratic schedule, I wasn't sure if we'd make it. I had a prior engagement with Phing and I couldn't refuse the shoot at the last minute since I would look unprofessional. I didn't want to risk emptying my bank account either on a breach of contract. Hia was the variable factor. I didn't plan nor expected to have him back in my life after both of our bestfriend's wedding. 

"Of course not

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"Of course not. How could I when P'Pao invited me. I could finally meet Nong Mari.", he sounded excited in meeting my little sister which made me feel at ease for a bit.

"How are we going to make this work then?", I tried not to sound demanding as I went inside and sat down on the couch.

"Should I pick you up? You can hitch a ride to your stint so that we can save time.", he suggested.

I wanted to agree, but as I flipped through the channels on the television, I couldn't anymore. There was a flash report that caught my attention and I couldn't help but smile bitterly. I knew this was karma. I was unexpectedly caught in a whirlwind for the past month and I knew it was too good to be true but I ignored the nagging feeling.

"Nong?", Hia's voice came through the receiver while I continued to watch the clip.

"You don't have to go if you're busy.", I told him, wanting him to change his mind just as I was starting to change mine.

"What are you talking about? I'm clearing out my weekend to meet your whole family.", he laughed.

I wanted to believe what he said and feel important but I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. I was wary now on his intentions and if I still have a place in his life because the news on the television was stating otherwise. I guess the magazine cover I saw from Budapest slipped my mind. An engagement. How stupid of me. I suddenly felt angry thinking that I was just a past time. A final fling before he would finally tie the knot. 

Altered: Win and TeamWhere stories live. Discover now