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We spent the whole week at Hia's resort touring the nearby town, scuba diving, lounging in the sun and even helping out with supplies run for the kitchen storage.

I exceptionally enjoyed lounging at the kitchen resort with Manaow and Del while Pharm and P'Sorn whip out their specialties. It's a good week to start our summer vacation.

Though it's not the whole truth, I prefer to keep any damper at bay. I don't want to ruin anything anymore and sulk. I don't want to keep memories of a Depressed Hia or even a Sad Hia.

I want a Happy Hia.

I was just sitting on one of the long bench near the long kitchen island where the chefs and their apprentices were busy preparing our lunch. The actual resort chefs were happy to take a break with P'Sorn and Pharm as volunteers for the staffs lunch and ours.

I wasn't eager to help out. I was more eager to eat their finished product.

"What are you guys making?", I heard Hia sat down behind me, facing my back.

I just looked at him as he gave me his usual mischievous smile and returned my attention to the kitchen island where the food was. Manaow and Del started to squirm like worms.

I don't really get it why they're so giddy when Hia and I are together. Especially, Manaow. It looks like she's going to expire soon. I just glared at her to stop.

P'Sorn and Pharm just smiled at each other like they have a mutual understanding.

"We're making bibimbap for a light lunch.", P'Sorn answered Hia while he was rolling the nori over the filling.

I could feel the saliva in my mouth thicken as the rolled out goodness was set aside for the taking. I was about to pounce for the first roll when Hia pulled the hem of my shirt from behind.

"Why don't we take some laps, Nong, while they finish?", he asked me and I looked at him in utter disappointment.

"Can't we do that after lunch? I'm already hungry, Hia..", I started to whine.

Which of course seldom works on him, "You'll burn that lunch off if you eat first. It's best if you burn the remaining calories now."

We stared at each other with intensity. I was staring down at him on the bench while he stared back up. The others grew silent.

"What? You'll never get in the finals if you keep staring at me.", Hia stood up and locked his arm around my neck.

"Oi, Hia!", I began to protest and tried to take his arm away with no luck at his strength.

"I'll never let you off easy with your training.", Hia said as he dragged me out of the kitchen, leaving the others sighing.

"And I thought I'd be seeing an exchange of sweetness today.", Manaow sighed as she started to make her own roll.

"I thought they were going to fight with the way they were staring at each other.", Del shivered, getting busy with another roll.

Manaow stared dreamily into the air and smiled, "I thought they were going to kiss.."

Pharm raised one of his brow at her, "Really, Manaow?".

Manaow brushed the air away, "What?! Don't you even wonder what they do behind closed doors?".

She giggled and started to imagine inside her head.

"Personally, I never thought there would be something between them. They looked just any ordinary club members teasing each other.", Del voiced her opinion while starting on her fifth roll.

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